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3 Operational Definition: Dimensions and Elements
Let us operationalize Job Satisfaction First define it conceptually. Like: Employees’ feelings toward their job. Degree of satisfaction that individuals obtain from various roles they play in an organization. A pleasurable or positive emotional feeling resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experience. Employee’s perception of how well the job provides those things (‘some things) that are important. These things are the dimensions of job satisfaction.

4 Dimensions of job satisfaction
Workers looking for many “things.” A ‘thing’ may be taken as a dimension. Things that are important for employees: (Give rationale for each) The work itself. Pay/fringe benefits. Promotion opportunities. Supervision. Coworkers. Working conditions.

5 Elements of dimensions
Breaking each dimension further into actual patterns of behavior that would be exhibited Work itself: Elements  opportunities for advancement, sense of accomplishment, challenging work/routine work. Pay/fringe benefits: Elements  Pay according to qualifications, comparison with other organizations, increments, availability of bonuses, old age benefits, insurance benefits, other allowances.

6 Elements (cont.) Promotion opportunities: Elements  Mobility policy, equitability, dead end job. Supervision: Elements  Employee centered, employee participation in decision making. Coworkers: Elements  Primary group relations, supportive attitude, cohesiveness Working conditions: Elements  Lighting, temperature, cleanliness, building security, hygienic conditions, utilities.

7 From elements to questions/statements
On each element ask question (s), make statements. Look into the scalability of questions. Five point scale (Likert scale). Examples of the statements

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