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Superintendent’s Proposed FY20 NEEDS Budget

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1 Superintendent’s Proposed FY20 NEEDS Budget
Winthrop Public Schools Superintendent’s Proposed FY20 NEEDS Budget April 2019

2 School Improvement Plans Administrator and Educator Goals
District Strategy Superintendent Goals School Improvement Plans Administrator and Educator Goals Budget Development

3 System wide strategic goals
High Quality, Rigorous Instruction and Curriculum Alignment Teaching All Students in a Safe and Welcoming Environment Professional Culture and Community Engagement

4 FY20 Level service budget $21,688,382
FY 19 BUDGET (WITH NEW K CLASS) FY 20 LEVEL SERVICE SALARY EXPENSES TOTAL $16,614,624 $3,672,908 $20,287,532 SALARY EXPENSES TOTAL $17,746,332 $3,942,050 $21,688,382 (+1, ) Notes: No additional positions, no additional programs or curriculum additions, no increase in technology, no increases to incorporate any new initiatives, no new athletic supplies or extra curricular programs and/or activities.

5 Budget approach This budget was developed using a ground level approach beginning with contractual obligations (staff and services) moving to the identification of the needs of each school building related to staffing, facility maintenance, technology, curriculum and safety. The Administration has included key stakeholders throughout this process and relied on the District Strategy, School Improvement Plans and School Department’s goals as a guide to the final recommended budget. The Administrative Team conducted a district and building based review of curriculum, textbooks, materials, supplies, consumable, durables, contracts, staffing plan, class size, student growth and achievement, ELL service obligations, special education service obligations, transportation costs, out of district cost projections, facility contracts, building and grounds costs, substitute costs, technology costs and replacement plans, professional development needs, safety and security costs and projections, the District Strategy focus areas, School Improvement Plans, staff contractual obligations, athletic costs, revolving accounts, grants and projected enrollment in preparation for the proposed FY20 Budget recommendation. Consideration for projected needs including demographics, student profiles and ESE initiatives have also been considered. This proposal is intended to maintain high quality educational, co-curricula and support programs for our students. The proposal continues our efforts to address not only our student’s academic needs, but also their social and emotional well being, engagement in their own learning, state and federal requirements as measured by MCAS and ongoing efforts to bring about program improvements and overall efficiencies. We are committed to fulfill our mission while striving to be good partners with our community even during difficult financial times.

6 Our challenge To continue the forward progress toward achieving our system’s goals while responding to the increased social and emotional needs of our students, servicing our increased population of ELL students, maintaining our new and older facilities and preserving the class size, programs and services that we have committed to and developed over the past several years.

SALARY EXPENSES TOTAL $18,625,240 $4,434,768 $23,060,008 (+2,010,616) (+761,860) (+$2,772,476)

8 FY20 NEEDS BUDGET salary REQUEST $18,625,240
FY20 SALARIES NEW POSITIONS/INCREASE COST INCREASE FY19 TO FY20 CENTRAL OFFICE $404,291.00 0 FTE/steps and lanes $5,040.00 WPG $4,815,512.00 Add 9 FTE/steps and lanes $601,607.00 ATC $3,815,493.00 Add 6.5 FTE/ steps and lanes $363,501.00 WMS $3,952,846.00 Add 7.8 FTE/steps and lanes $500,088.00 WHS $4,259,287.00 Add 3 FTE/steps and lanes $349,653.00 DISTRICT WIDE $1,377,811.00 $190,727.00 TOTALS $18,625,240.00 26.3 FTE/contractual S&L $2,010,616.00

9 FY20 NEEDS BUDGET expense REQUEST $4,434,768
FY20 Expenses NEW EXPENSES/INCREASE COST INCREASE FY19 TO FY20 CENTRAL OFFICE $109,681.00 Contracts $8,720.00 WPG $515,810.00 New Curric/Contracts/Tech $72,000.00 ATC $614,134.00 New Curric./Contracts/Tech/Repairs $234,751.00 WMS $334,127.00 New Curric./Contracts/Stipends/Tech $15,405.00 WHS $527,406.00 New Curric./Contracts/NEAYC/Tech $204,116.00 DISTRICT WIDE $2,333,610.00 Contracts/Custodial/Facilities/Athletics $226,867.00 Transportation TOTALS $4,434,768.00 $761,859.00

10 Winthrop High School Needs
1 FTE Special Education Co-Teacher 1 ESP Special Education 1 Math Teacher Additional/New Curriculum and Technology

11 Winthrop Middle school needs
1 Certified Social Studies Teacher Grade 7 1 Certified Social Studies Teacher Grade 8 1 Physical Education/SEL Teacher .5 Adjustment Counselor Therapeutic Classroom 3 ESPs Special Education Classroom Support .4 Math Coach .4 ELA Coach .5 Secretary Additional/New Curriculum and Technology Additional Stipends for SST/PBIS/Drama Club

12 Arthur T. Cummings School Needs
1 Special Education ASD Teacher 1 ESP Special Education ASD Classroom .5 Adjustment Counselor 3 RTI Staff 1 Elementary Teacher (3rd) Additional/New Curriculum and Technology Additional Copiers

13 Gorman Fort Banks School Needs
1 Special Education Teacher (Emotional/Behavioral) 1 ESP Special Education (Emotional/Behavioral) 1 Reading Teacher 1 ELL Teacher 1 Math Coordinator 2 RTI Staff 1 Technology Specialist 1 Custodian Additional/New Curriculum and Technology

14 Custodial Buildings and grounds needs
New Maintenance Cost Miller Field Additional Building Supplies New Equipment Costs

15 District Technology needs
Middle High School Contract Costs Desktop Replacement Teachers and Classrooms Chromebook Replacement and Maintenance Projector Replacement and Maintenance

16 Athletics Equipment and Uniform Replacement
Supplies for Maintenance of Current Equipment Transportation

17 Potential capitol requests
Van For Athletics Projectors for Elementary Schools Desk Tops and Chromebooks District GFB Snow Blower ATC HVAC Repair ATC Rooftop Seal ATC Elevator and Stairs Repair WPG Cafeteria Floor Replace WPG Ductless Split Unit Nurse Office/ Back Wall Repair GFB Snow Machine

18 Some noted Efficiencies
Residency Policy and Review Charter and Vocational Review and Conformation Review of all Contracts for Service and Negotiation of Rates Capital Improvement Planning Fee Structure Miller Field Transportation Review and Contract Revisions Circuit Breaker Review and Claiming Strategic Review and Creative Planning of Substitute Use Institution of Fellowship Program

19 Enrollment by Grade (2018-19) April Data
PK K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SP OD Total ATC 134 148 168 450 GFB 47 156 147 474 WHS 149 157 136 154 598 WMS 161 153 463 OOD 14 District 42 2004

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