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Lesson 14 Amicable, Bask, Charlatan, Enraptured, Fickle, Genial, Hoax, Juggernaut, Levity, Marital, Mundane, Naïve, Nocturnal, Novice, Obstreperous.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 14 Amicable, Bask, Charlatan, Enraptured, Fickle, Genial, Hoax, Juggernaut, Levity, Marital, Mundane, Naïve, Nocturnal, Novice, Obstreperous."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 14 Amicable, Bask, Charlatan, Enraptured, Fickle, Genial, Hoax, Juggernaut, Levity, Marital, Mundane, Naïve, Nocturnal, Novice, Obstreperous

2 Amicable Adj. friendly; peaceable SYN: agreeable; amiable
ANT: quarrelsome; warlike

3 Bask V. to expose oneself to pleasant warmth

4 Charlatan N. one who pretends to have knowledge in order to swindle others SYN: quack; fraud ANT: professional

5 Enraptured Adj. delighted beyond measure SYN: ecstatic

6 Fickle Adj. likely to change on a whim or without apparent reason
SYN: vacillating; capricious ANT: steadfast

7 Genial Adj. friendly; amiable SYN: cordial ANT: unfriendly

8 Hoax N. a practical joke; a trick SYN: fraud; fake

9 Juggernaut N. a terrible destructive or irresistible force

10 Levity N. lightness of disposition; lack of seriousness SYN: frivolity
ANT: sobriety; somberness

11 Marital Adj. having to do with marriage SYN: wedded ANT: single

12 Mundane Adj. commonplace; earthly and not spiritual SYN: boring
ANT: unique

13 Naïve Adj. simple in outlook; not affected or worldly; especially innocent SYN: unsophisticated; unsuspecting ANT: sophisticated; cunning

14 Nocturnal Adj. having to do with the night; occurring at night
ANT: diurnal

15 Novice N. a beginner; one who is inexperienced SYN: apprentice; tyro
ANT: master

16 Obstreperous Adj. aggressively boisterous; stubborn and defiant
ANT: meek; tractable

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