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Friday, August 18, am – 2 pm Rio Hondo College

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1 Friday, August 18, 2017 10 am – 2 pm Rio Hondo College
Welcome Housekeeping items: -2 restroom locations -lunch will be served at 11:30 am STRONG WORKFORCE PROGRAM (SWP) TEACHER PREPARATION PIPELINE REGIONAL COLLABORATIVE, LOS ANGELES Quarterly Meeting Friday, August 18, am – 2 pm Rio Hondo College


3 TPP-STEM/CTE Collaborative

4 Meeting Objectives For each college to review deliverables and report on progress Discuss Round 2 & 3 proposed planning and evaluation process for the LA region with LA Director Share information about the TPP Statewide scaling plan Map out our network (partners) and TPP-related services/resources Plan Round 2 & 3 eligibility criteria, activities/deliverables, and budget Share updates -regional dual enrollment workshop -TPP LA regional website -TPP College Survey

5 Review of 1st Round Deliverables & Progress Report
STRONG WORKFORCE PROGRAM TEACHER PREPARATION PIPELINE (TPP) REGIONAL COLLABORATIVE, LOS ANGELES REGION SWP METRICS & NON-METRICS DELIVERABLES Colleges Increase Enrollment Increase Earnings Employment Transfer to 4-Yr. Certificate/Degree Completion Student Attained 12 CTE Credits Attained 48 Non-Credit Instructional Hrs. Professional Development (PD) Articulation Curriculum Development Pathway Development Recruitment Cerritos College Increased students in dual enrollment/teaching pathways. At least (1) math, English and CTE teacher will attend a DE meeting/conf. Citrus College Increase STEM/CTE applicable coursework offered at feeder high schools thru dual enrollment (increase by 15% over baseline). Minimum of four faculty will attend a relevant conf. or training. Structured pathways in math, biology, chemistry and physics are fully developed. Compton College Faculty/teachers will partcipate in workshops. Create articulation agreements with high schools. Explore/develop a teaching pathway; renew/generate new matriculation agreements w/ local 4-yr. univ. East LA College Dual enrollment classes offered to Feeder high school - Bell High / Bell gardens high as the pilot high schools Have faculty from Early Childhood education & STEM departments work together to help develop curriculum for STEM Teacher Pathway Work with secondary and Post-secondary schools in articulation; some courses in Child Development have been articulated already Working w/ secondary schools to develop curriculum that will meet the needs of the CD dept & the secondary students Continue to work on the Teacher pathway, and begin to develop STEM Teacher Pathway Outreach to industry groups and industry prof for recruitment into CTE and STEM work with MESA/STEM program to recruit students into the pathway Items on the deliverables summary were taken from the workplan you submitted. Some of you submitted a revised workplan as requested. A lot of you did not, so I assumed that you had no revisions. So this is a summary of our collaborative’ s deliverables. The deliverables are divided into two categories… Review each of the deliverables for your college; add any that I may have missed or make any necessary corrections. After we have reviewed the summary, we can go around the room and report on our progress on each item that we have on the list. Richard –give us feed back on whether we are right on track as far as what our collaborative can deliver.

6 Review of 1st Round Deliverables & Progress Report
Colleges Increase Enrollment Increase Earnings Employment Transfer to 4-Yr. Certificate/Degree Completion Student Attained 12 CTE Credits Attained 48 Non-Credit Instructional Hrs. Professional Development (PD) Articulation Curriculum Development Pathway Development Recruitment El Camino College Promote/enroll students in courses at the CC that satisfy coursework reqs for preschool, EMS, single subject of DSC-CTE credentials and CD permits. Faculty/students participate in prof dev orgs/societies for prof growth and collab. Articulation agreements will be consistently maintained, updated and aligned. LA Mission Increased # of DE courses for secondary students. Increased # of students transferring from cc to 4-yr. Increased # of articulation agreements with K-12 & 4-yr. partners Develop curriculum (Teacher Education) and instructional program based on industry standards. Outreach to industry groups and industry prof for recruitment into CTE and STEM learning; Speak to at least 50 industry professionals. LA Trade Tech Develop materials to provide outreach & recruit industry prof interested in teaching at a CC. LA Pierce College CTE instructors attend conferences/ workshops. Develop curriculum for CTE credential program.

7 Review of 1st Round Deliverables & Progress Report
Colleges Increase Enrollment Increase Earnings Employment Transfer to 4-Yr. Certificate/Degree Completion Student Attained 12 CTE Credits Attained 48 Non-Credit Instructional Hrs. Professional Development (PD) Articulation Curriculum Development Pathway Development Recruitment Pasadena College Offer PD to CTE faculty Increase transfer opps from PCC to 4-yr institutions by growing articulation agreements. Rio Hondo College Minimum of 4 dual enrollment courses will be offered to high schools. Offer a minimum of (2) professional development workshops/conferences. Teaching pathway will be developed w/ secondary schools and/or 4-year univ. Santa Monica College Offer 2-3 dual enrollment classes at 1-2 different high schools. Provide PD opportunities and memberships for CTE Faculty around bilingual and/or STEM. Development of TMS in Elem. Teacher Education Development of CDE TK Certificate.

8 Strong Workforce Program Proposed Planning & Evaluation Process Los Angeles Region Round 2 & 3 Richard Verches LA Director, Los Angeles/Orange County Regional Consortium (LAOCRC)

9 Vision for Scaling Up TPP Programs Going Forward For the last 6 years, the 10 TPP colleges have been working on building models of effective practices. Next phase is to scale up. Next Phase Strategic Considerations: -identify high priority student populations -regional expansion with targets -align with Guided Pathways and Initiative TPP Statewide Convening Friday, August 11, 2017 Hosted by Rio Hondo College Annie Johnston, Ed.D. Technical Assistance Provider Teacher Preparation Pipeline Model programs. Key Strategies for building an education pathway. Now in a new phase. No longer building the model, now we need to get the model adopted by colleges throughout the state.  Requires different kind of work. Final task of model creation is to make the model strategies accessible to others - our first goal for this convening. We need TPPs to be a critical component of the Guided Pathways approach now being developed in 20 colleges. We should be where the change is to be a part of the new model.

10 Cross-system Collaboration
$ Buy-In Data Cross-system Collaboration Tracking Credentialing The Dissed Profession Challenges Changes in funding streams, lack of funding, no one knows where the funding is coming or if there’s any funding ·      Lack of buy-in from college leadership, most college leadership needs to be convinced that TPP is important ·      Challenges for data-based decision making and reporting ·      Sporadic cross-system collaboration ·      Traditional inequities between CTE and academic segments ·      Credentialing structures reproduce inequities ·      Disparagement of the teaching profession generally

11 Market TPP programs Participate in Local Strong Workforce Dollar Planning Demonstrate that TPP strategies increase key metrics Support Development of Grant Funded Partnerships Integrate TPPs into the Guided Pathways Redesign Moving Forward Most college leaders do not understand why it is important to them to build TPPs

12 Moving Forward Develop Communications and Marketing Tools to Advocate:
Critical role of Community Colleges in addressing teacher shortage Critical role of TPPs in College Redesign - colleges NEED TPPs Critical importance of college participation in locally- and grant-funded TPP program development Moving Forward Message is the key to winning the support of leadership.

13 Moving Forward Develop Boilerplate Downloadable Resources
Tailor strategies to address each high priority population Develop new strategies and partnerships, on a regional or statewide scale, to expand the TPP funnel (e.g. MESA), support dual credentials Moving Forward If we succeed in this direction you will be essential to working with the 20 Guided Pathway colleges and for that you need to a) make your successes replicable b) lead around how to develop strategies tailored to different contexts c) develop new strategies and partnerships at a regional or statewide scale, some of which you have already done

14 High Priority Student Population
High school and college students on transfer pathways Current education professionals seeking to upgrade their skills and earn new credentials Community college students successful in CTE & STEM Second career and retired industry professionals These are the student population that are of high priority to the state.

Rotating Poster Brainstorm Most Useful Strategies for reaching out to each priority student population HIGH SCHOOL + COLLEGE STUDENTS IN TRANSFER PATHWAYS Guided pathway for Teacher TRAC Administration support tutors-peers Advisory Boards Dual enrollment (whitin HS pathway) & Articulation Admission checkbox Teacher prep counselor Career exploration RELATIONSHIPS with HIGH SCHOOL + csu/college/ univ Partnering with IRP to potential research students Teacher prep efforts/ programs/ Academics Inform general counselors about TPP programs Dedicated space on college campus for teacher prep Participate in BRIDGE programs + HS career fairs ~HUDDLES ~MENTORING ~CBEST training ~Conferences President's scholar program jr/sr with 24 units of dual enrollmentin STEM & teaching internships Question on application CCC Apply - Are you interested in Teaching? Synthesize experience of the past 6 yrs to identify most effective strategies for reaching high priority student pop.

Explore authorizations for supplemental subjects credential AB _credentialling 5 cc Seek out laid-off STEM Professionals Summer conference on STEM for current teachers + STEM Professional offer units to teachers. Have themes! Publish articles in teacher magazines, journals, professional publications Special Educ. Training, offer units for salary incentives Resume building workshop to update resume + updating skills - knowledge of commun core Engage / advisory committee build

Partner with Local Aquarium or Science Center (volunteer/paid) What's up Wednesday program Paid tutor jobs Partnership with MESA STEM Clubs Marketing Materials CTE internships with CTE Faculty Career exploration Student Huddles CTE counselor trained/ available to CTE teacher TRAC students Summer STEM Academy Institute STEM- CTE Mentoring program Summer STEM program with paid internship in middle school classrooms Faculty + Class Presentations! Ed tech course for dual enrollment Contextualized experience Ask faculty for referrals of Good Future Teachers work with counseling to channel into EDU course and class observation

Partner with CSULBs community & work in Compton recruting community members interested in teaching & taking an intro community ED course Have a counselor specialist for teaching to allow indusry prof guidance on career change into teaching profession Have field work and observation classes, chance o work with children/ youth "Menu" for career changers Engage/ Advisory committee build CSET training/ prep Work with CTE instructors to ID future teacher Partner with LEA for DSC-CTE program

19 Essential Partners for Regional Expansion
WHICH PARTNER ARE LIKELY TO BE ESSENTIAL TO THE REGIONAL EXPANSION OF YOUR PROGRAMS AND WHY? STEM Employers Grants makers ($ and resources) K12 College CC to 4 year (Potentially) Non profits University Lib Studies & ED Depts TPP & Tutoring Programs Faculty partners TPP consortium + SLUP Collaborative Americorps Teach for America Essential Partners for Regional Expansion Captured thoughts on essential partners…

20 WHAT CONDITIONS AMONG YOUR FACULTY COULD EXPAND CROSS- COLLEGE FACULTY INVOLVEMENT IN IDENTIFYING AND MENTORING POTENTIAL TEACHERS? FIGs Faculty Inquiry Groups Administrative support including $$ for participation Faculty involvement Leveraging faculty professional development to introduce mentoring program and encourage participation $$ FUNDING for tutor, mentors & TAs to be attached to classes Cross-college programming (workshops, speakers…) $Dedicated counselor$ INFORM FACULTY OF NEED FOR TEACHERS Conditions to Expand Cross-Faculty Involvement for Mentoring Potential Teachers

21 WHAT CONDITIONS AT YOUR COLLEGE COULD CONTRIBUTE MOST TO SUPPORTING SUCCESSFUL OUTREACH FOR AND RECRUITMENT TO NEW TPP PROGRAMS IN YOUR REGION? Internal admin perceptions Capacity to provide outreach Regional brading/ markenting Services on campus that appeal to students, a sense of community Consistent teacher prep Staff/ faculty - Not "temp" grant staffing (stability of the program) Technology and social media support $Funding $ for an established program to mentor a new program Consistent leadership/ stable admin BACCC region continuing to provide info Solid partnership with high school districts and CSU/UC partners CONDITIONS TO SUPPORT SUCCESSFUL OUTREACH FOR AND RECRUITMENT TO NEW TPP PROGRAMS IN YOUR REGION

22 WHAT CONDITIONS IN YOUR REGION COULD BE MOST CRITICAL IN FACILITATING THE EXPANSION OF YOUR PROGRAMS TO OTHER COLLEGES? Regional consortium Buy-In - local buy-in with regards to regionalizing efforts continued funding to expand efforts to other colleges $$ FUNDING for new programs -- Increased funding for "old" programs to help "new" programs Message from CCRC leadership that this is priority $$FUNDIND FOR STAFF CONTRACT is primary at newly expanded site to work wide staff , mentor at established site Recognition of the shortage/ need for teachers esp in certain disciplines Institutionalize TPP programs that are leading/ mentoring TPP expansion MOTIVATED/ RESPONSIVE POINT PEOPLE CONDITIONS MOST CRITICAL IN FACILITATING THE EXPANSION OF TPP PROGRAMS TO OTHER COLLEGES

WHAT SHOULD CHANGE TO IMPROVE THE WEBPAGE AS WAY TO COMMUNICATE TO SUPPORT SCALING UP? include all colleges that have TPP Programs Why our CCstudents make good teachers Portion for educators who should be considering add pictures & the "howto" should be included Link for stu Link for CCs Link for educators Who is this site for? Why is this an important/ attractive profession? Flash, color, pop Civic engagement, social justice WEBPAGE AS WAY TO COMMUNICATE TO SUPPORT SCALING UP

WHAT SHOULD CHANGE TO REFLECT THE BRAND AND NEW INITIATIVES? Create general (TBD) Use strong workforce/ Doing what matters TPP Logo -> Every page including a main contact Add guided pathways within each sector, each needs a TPP pathway Add teacher shortage (call to action) Add linking teachers to ALL students and sectors (teachers are infrastructure) New incentives for teachers Why TPPs important to CCs CHANGES NEEDED TO REFLECT THE BRAND AND NEW INITIATIVES We are sharing all these information to our reg collab for 2 reasons: You could benefit from the information that has already been gathered for you, in terms of getting ideas on how to start or scale up your own TPP programs and to be informed about what’s coming Our regional collaborative is essentially an extension of the statewide collaborative and we have a role to play in this new initiative to scale up TPPs.

25 TPP Grant Overview Bobby Becka
Speaking of sharing information, remember we mentioned in our last TPP meeting about a competitive RFA that will be coming out soon. Well, we are sharing with you a draft of the TPP grant overview that was shared with us during the meeting.

26 Network & Resources Mapping Activity Facilitator: Colleen McKinley Cerritos College, Educational Partnerships Director & SWP-TPP College Mentor Segue to the Network & Resources Mapping Activity…break for 10 minutes to get our lunch and continue to work on mapping

27 Continue to work on mapping

28 TPP Planning Process Round 2 & 3 Facilitators: Bobby Becka, El Camino College, Grant Development Director & SWP-TPP College Mentor Janet L. Young, Ed.D, El Camino College, Professor of Childhood Education, College Curriculum Committee Chair -Eligibility criteria for participating colleges Activities to focus on with deliverables Budget

29 Updates TPP College Survey Results Bobby Becka
Dual Enrollment Workshop Colleen McKinley TPP College Survey Results Bobby Becka Updates TPP Los Angeles Website/Logo Lea Martinez

30 Proposed Future Meeting Dates Friday, November 17, 2017
Proposed Future Meeting Dates Friday, November 17, Tentative Location: El Camino College Friday, February 23, Friday, May 18, 2018

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