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Spatial Databases: Data Collection

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1 Spatial Databases: Data Collection
Spring, 2018 Ki-Joune Li

2 Why Data Collection? The cheapest way to build spatial DB
Get existing databases, but Check if the requirements be satisfied Metadata: Description of Data Data Migration vs. Interoperability Legacy Problem Building an Information System No more entirely new system Integration with Existing systems Integration with existing DB

3 Integration with Existing Databases
Data Migration Copy from existing DB Procedure Survey on existing DB: Data Clearinghouse Metadata Conversion from existing databases Integration of several databases: Mismatch Problem Legacy System New System Existing System New System Existing DB Copy from Legacy DB New DB

4 Geo-Data Clearinghouse
Clearinghouse: financial services company that provides clearing and settlement services for financial transactions. (in Collection of Geospatial Data Servers Collection of metadata Not data itself. Providing a single interface to browse metadata of several servers Z39.50 protocol and client Example: FGDC in USA (

5 Metadata for Geospatial Data: ISO 19115
Title, and Alternative title, Originator, Abstract, and Data Frequency of update Presentation type Access constraint, Use constraints Topic category Bounding coordinates, and extent Spatial reference system, and resolution Supply media, and data format Supplier and Additional information source Date of update of metadata Sample of the dataset Dataset reference date, and language Vertical extent information Spatial representation type Lineage Online resource Some items are mandatory and others are optional

6 Generalization: Conversion of spatial data
Conversion from Large-Scale Spatial DB to Small-Scale Spatial DB Cartographic Aspect vs. DB Aspect Cartographic viewpoint: To make maps more visible DB viewpoint: To reduce the size of data Six Generalization Operators Simplification Elimination Translation (Cartographic Purpose) Aggregation Collapse Exaggeration (Cartographic Purpose)

7 Simplification Simplification (Line Simplification)
Elimination of internal nodes from a polyline To minimize the loss of accuracy Example: which point to remove Douglas-Peucker Algorithm A greedy algorithm

8 Elimination Eliminate spatial objects not satisfying given conditions
Example Eliminate * From Buildings Where area < 100 m2 Propagation of Elimination Elimination may destroy cardinality condition Example: What to do in this case ? 1..1 District District_Office 1..1

9 Aggregation Aggregate a set of spatial objects into a large object
Definition of the boundary of aggregated object ? Aggregation of Non-Spatial Data Example: Number of Habitants in the apartment complex Sum, Max, or Average Apartment Complex A B Aggregation - With Boundary - Without Boundary C

10 Collapse Reduction of Dimensionality Example
From 2-D to 1-D (from surface to line) From 2-D to 0-D (from surface to point) Very Rarely from 1-D to 0-D Example Computation of collapsed objects Surface in 1/1,000 Map Line in 1/50,000 Map

11 Topological Issues in Generalization
Example How to Correct it No drop vertex if  Topological Inconsistency Translation of the object with problem Left Side Right Side  Topologically Incorrect

12 Topological Issues in Generalization
Another Example A A Collapse to point B B A contains B  A is equal to B at least B contains A R(B, A)  RG(B, A) What is the correct topology after the collapse ?

13 Topological Issues in Generalization
Another Example Road Road A A Buildings Buildings Aggregation B B1 B2 B3 B4 R(B, A)= Disjoint R(B, A)= Overlap R(B, A)  RG(B, A) Is it correct ?

14 Mismatch Problems Mismatches
Integration of several databases from different sources Adjacent Maps Different Accuracy Different Dates of Creation Different Maps Different Ground Control Points Etc.

15 Example: Topographic Map and Cadastral Map
Positional mismatches come from several reasons, such as different ground control points, or different scales, especially different organizations of management of local databases. For example, in our country, we have two types of natioanl base maps, which are topographic maps and cadastral maps. But they have been maintained by two different governmental organizations during 90 years, they have significant mismatches like this figures. This problem is very important obstacle in realizing national gis. Cadastral Map

16 Example Building DBA Manhole DBB Pole DBC
Find the nearest manhole or pole to Building P For example, suppose that we have three local spatial databases, and a query is submitted to building DB, which is to find the nearest manhole or pole to building P. Building DBA Manhole DBB Pole DBC

17 Example Building DB Manhole DB Pole DB
Find the nearest manhole or pole to Building P A B To process this query, we overlay manhole DB on Building DB. Building DB Manhole DB Pole DB

18 Example Building DB Manhole DB Pole DB result of the query
Find the nearest manhole or pole to Building P A B Then the nearest manhole to building P seems manhole A, and spatial database system of manhole will give A as the answer. Building DB Manhole DB Pole DB

19 Example Building DB Manhole DB Pole DB result of the query A
adjust the building position B the correct answer But, if we consider the mismatches between building DB and manhole DB, the location of building P must be adjusted like this figure. And we see that the real answer to the query is B instead of A. This means that we should correct the positional data of local databases to get consistent answer. must be B. Building DB Manhole DB Pole DB

20 Example Building DB Manhole DB Pole DB result of the query
Find the nearest manhole or pole to Building P the correct answer This is a similar example. Building DB Manhole DB Pole DB

21 Elastic Map Transformation: Rubber Sheeting
Elastic transformation of objects in each spatial database. Building DB Manhole DB Pole DB Transformed Manhole DB Transformed Pole DB Reference Spatial DB or Base Map Consistent Spatial Databases Spatial Query Therefore we need a method to make local spatial databases consistent, and we have proposed a method for that several years ago. This method is to transform local databases according to a base map so as to make sure that they are consistent and give correct answers. Like this figure, each local database except base map is to be transformed and we will have consistent set of spatial databases.

22 Elastic Map Transformation by Delaunay Triangulation
Procedure 1. Select sets of Control Point Pair on MapRef and another MapA, respectively. 2. Delaunay Triangulation with Control Points on MapRef. 3. Triangular Transformation, for each Point p on MapA. Control Points on the Reference Map Corresponding Control Points on Other Maps Corresponding Pair of Triangles MapRef MapA For the detail of the transformation method, I'll give a brief explanation, since this method is an important starting point of our study. For the transformation, we select a certain number of control points on the base map, and select also corresponding control points on other map. For example, we can select a corner of road as control point. Then we do delaunay triangulation with the control points on the base map and find corresponding triangle on other map. The next step is for transforming coordinates of objects on non-base map onto base map. For example, if we want to transform this point onto base map, we find the enclosing triangle on this map, and the corresponding triangle on base map. Then we apply triangular transformation method to find the new coordinates on the base map.

23 Triangular Transformation
q1(u1, v2 ) p1(x1,y2 ) q (u, v ) p (x, y ) q3(u3, v3 ) q2(u2, v2 ) p2(x2, y2 ) p3(x3, y3 ) Triangle on MapRef (u,v) = (a1u1+a2u2+a3u3, a1v1+a2v2+a3v3) where a1 = b {(y2 – y3)x + (x3 – x2)y + x2 y3 – x3 y2 } a2 = b {(y3 – y1)x + (x1 – x3)y + x3 y1 – x1 y3 } a3 = b {(y1 – y2)x + (x2 – x1)y + x1 y2 – x2 y1 } b = (x1 y2 + x2 y3 + x3 y1 – (x2 y1 + x3 y2 + x1 y3 ))-1 When we are given two corresponding triangle, one is on the base map and another is non-base map, we can compute the new coordinates of the point on the base map from this point. This is the equation to compute the new coordinates. It looks a little complex, but this is a simple linear transformation.

24 Elastic Map Transformation : Example
By this method, every patial object can be transformed onto base map by some control points, and finally we get consistent spatial databases. In this figure, we select 7 control points and we get a quite good transformation, as you see. This method is simple, but has some important drawbacks.

25 Elastic Map Transformation : Example
Control Points

26 Mismatched between Adjacent Maps
Examples Shift Discontinuity Disappearance

27 Edge Matching Rules Priority on More Recent Data
Respect of Pivot Objects Respect of Predefined Constraints e.g. Building should be rectangular Pivot Object

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