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What: Share our attempts to incorporate Culture of Thinking philosophy and activities into our teaching. Why: We’ve invested a lot of time in exploring.

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Presentation on theme: "What: Share our attempts to incorporate Culture of Thinking philosophy and activities into our teaching. Why: We’ve invested a lot of time in exploring."— Presentation transcript:

1 What: Share our attempts to incorporate Culture of Thinking philosophy and activities into our teaching. Why: We’ve invested a lot of time in exploring Cultures of Thinking and it provides a framework for expanding our practice. How: Share our efforts to include thinking routines and thinking apprenticeships/ modeling with each other. Share ways to observe and reflect on our use of language and questioning.

2 How do we monitor and improve our use of language and questioning?

3 What roles are students currently filling in your class
What roles are students currently filling in your class? These can be explicitly assigned, or simply undertaken in the course of the lesson. What roles would you like them to fill? What subject specific skills/ abilities do they need to use to be proficient in your content? Can you create roles out of these?

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