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The European Location Framework: taking INSPIRE to the next level

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1 The European Location Framework: taking INSPIRE to the next level
European Forum for Geography and Statistics 2015 Conference  10/11/2015

2 Programme Introduction: what is ELF? Technical achievements
Data specification Data transformation Cascading services Basic applications ELF GeoLocator ELF BaseMap ELF Cadastre Business applications ELF ambitions

3 Introduction

4 What is ELF? ELF is a European project From March 2013 to October 2016
Around 30 partners NMCAs and EuroGeographics Technology providers Universities Application developers ….. Co-funded by European Commission and the consortium partners Main objective: single access point to harmonised data and services from NMCAs ELF partners (data providers)

What is ELF? ELF Building Site Basemap Cascading Services ELF Oskari ArcGIS Online GeoLocator WP3 WP2 WP4 WP5 WP6 WP7 WP8 WP9 ELF Master ELF Global ELF Regional 250 builders 13 million euros 14 countries INSPIRE INSPIRE Technology providers: Snowflake, ESRI, ii instrument, 1Spatial, ….

6 The ELF objectives Supply harmonised, INSPIRE-based data on Europe
Implementation phase (2013 – 2015) Supply harmonised, INSPIRE-based data on Europe Supply view, download, geocoding services on this data Supply an infrastructure enabling easy access to ELF data and data services d’ELF Oskari Arc GIS on line Develop applications using the ELF platform Exploitation phase ( )

7 Technical achievements

8 Data specification ELF data specifications are INSPIRE based
What is the added value of ELF specification compared to INSPIRE ones? Extensions Keep the additional information of EBM/ ERM/EGM Clarification about levels of detail ELF

9 Data specification: levels of detail (LoD)
INSPIRE approach : The directive requires consistency between LoD Data model is the same for all LoDs Information about LoD is given by metadata element: MD_Resolution 2K 20K 25K 1M 10K 5K 50K 100K 250K 1 K 200 K 2,5 K Not easy for users to identify which data sets may be combined together

10 Data specification: levels of detail
ELF approach: 5 levels of detail 2K 20K 2,5K 1 K 10K 50K 250K 1M 5K 25K Master level 0 To 5K Master level 1 5K – 25K Master level 2 25K- 100K Regional level 100K -500K Global level 0 500K- 1M

11 Data specification: levels of detail
Some themes are relevant only for some levels of detail Theme MASTER LoD0 Master LoD1/2 REGIONAL GLOBAL Cadastral Parcels (CP) x Addresses (AD) Buildings (BU) Administrative Units (AU) Geographical Names (GN) Transport Networks (TN) Hydrography (HY) Land Cover (LC) Elevation (EL)

12 Data transformation First step in ELF project
Transform data from (heterogeneous) national data specifications to the common ELF data specifications Common data model Common Coordinate Reference System(s) Transformation method is up to each NMCA Possible help from technology providers Benefit for users: ELF pushes NMCAs to provide INSPIRE-based data before the official deadline

13 Single access point (download)
The scenario to be avoided NMCA National WFS request NMCA National WFS answer NMCA National WFS A user wanting data on several countries should not be obliged to access several services.

14 Single access point (download)
The ELF scenario NMCA National WFS Cascaded Service (WFS) request NMCA National WFS answer NMCA National WFS The user is offered a single access point through the cascaded service.

15 Single access point (download)
Database of international boundaries Step1: identify the countries concerned by the request Cascaded service: distribute request Cascaded Service (WFS) NMCA National WFS Step 2: distribute the request to the concerned national WFS National WFS NMCA Request (feature type, bounding box) National WFS NMCA (X1, Y1) (X4, Y4) National WFS NMCA (X2, Y2) (X3, Y3) National WFS NMCA

16 Single access point (download)
Cascaded service: aggregate answers Step 1 : each national WFS provides data set according to the request NMCA National WFS National WFS NMCA Cascaded Service National WFS NMCA Step 2 :the cascaded service aggregates the national answers in one single feature collection National WFS NMCA National WFS NMCA

17 Set of centralised data sets
GeoLocator Request (indirect location) The indirect location may be a geographical name, an administrative unit, an address or a parcel code. Direct geocoding GeoLocator Answer (direct location) The direct location will be a point defined by its coordinates (X1, Y1). GN AU AD CP Set of centralised data sets

18 GeoLocator GeoLocator offers: Using data from: Direct geocoding
Reverse geocoding Using data from: Previous project EGN (EuroGeoNames) To be replaced by INSPIRE data on themes Address, Administrative Units, GeographicalNames and CadastralParcels

19 Topographic BaseMap BaseMap is a pyramid of digital maps displaying ELF based data, at different levels of zoom Content : themes EL, AU, BU, LC, HY, TN and GN Zoom levels from 2K (street names) to 40M (whole Europe) Available as WMTS To be used for consultation or as background map

20 Portrayal rules: theme Transport (Road)
Topographic BaseMap Portrayal rules: theme Transport (Road) Example in urban area, with street names (4,5K)

21 Administrative BaseMap
Based on EBM data From 40M to 170K WMS service

22 view search identify ELF Cadastre Involved themes:
WMS of data providers managed by cascade tools => vision of territory. Involved themes: Cadastral Parcels Administrative Units Addresses Buildings Search Services to locate Cadastral parcels by its identifier or by its address (by use of GeoLocator) search GetFeatureInfo to identify cadastral parcel and to obtain all the associated information from the national cadastral agencies. identify

23 ELF Cadastre use cases Complement BaseMap
BaseMap : for LoD1 to Global (40 M to 2K) ELF Cadastre : for LoD0 (10K to 1) Users may combine in client applications the BaseMap with the layers of ELF Cadastre 12 By adding addresses AB56 By adding cadastral parcels

24 A key attribute to make link with land registration system
ELF Cadastre use cases Complement EULIS ELF Cadastre : provide the geographic information EULIS : provide the legal, fiscal information Owners First name Last name Birth date Jean Martin 12/04/1980 EULIS ELF A key attribute to make link with land registration system

25 Application for Health Statistics CASPER
To link health statistics data to AU/SU Eurostat health statistics data (> 300 available data tables). Spatial framework data (EuroBoundaryMap) Use the OGC table joining standard Eurostat’s health statistics (>300 tables) CASPER 31 May, 2019

26 CASPER Client – a portrait of Europe health
Potential users: Policy makers Journalists Academic researchers Health officials Health insurance providers General public 31 May, 2019

27 Business Applications
The aim is to have at least 30 applications based on ELF services and data 4 applications in ELF (including CASPER) => find external application developers ELF Awareness Tour ELF Awards 31 May, 2019

28 ELF ambitions

29 ELF after the ELF project
European Location Framework is not just a project Sustainable platform that won’t stop on October 2016 Strong involvement of EuroGeographics May be, a follow-up project ?

30 Get more data and services
European coverage on topographic and cadastral data themes Welcome thematic data (e.g. statistics) : The European Location Framework for Geostatistics (Mick Cory) – 11/11/2015 morning 2013 2016 Objective

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