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SEISMOLOGY AT IAG-USP IAG: Inst. Astronomy, Geophysics & Atmospheric Sciences USP: University of São Paulo.

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Presentation on theme: "SEISMOLOGY AT IAG-USP IAG: Inst. Astronomy, Geophysics & Atmospheric Sciences USP: University of São Paulo."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEISMOLOGY AT IAG-USP IAG: Inst. Astronomy, Geophysics & Atmospheric Sciences USP: University of São Paulo


3 Main Research Areas Brazilian seismicity: Crustal and upper mantle structure - Natural and dam- induced - Seismic risk - Crustal stresses - deep seismic refraction - receiver functions - upper mantle tomography Cooperation with Carnegie Institute, USGS-Menlo Park Northwestern University, Montpellier (France), Univ. S. Carolina, Barcelona, Potsdam

4 Rio Claro, UNESP (RCLB) Brasilia, UnB (BDFB) São Paulo, USP natural dam-induced Natal, UFRN. Univ. Federal Rio Grande do Norte (RCBR) Seismology Groups IPT

5 - Support from Petrobrás/Eletronuclear Risco Sísmico no Sudeste acel. 0,1g -> return period 50.000 years mapa sismotectônico

6 Crustal section in Tocantins foldbelt between Amazon and Sao Francisco cratons. ( Berrocal et al., 2004. Tectonophysics) Crustal Seismic Refraction arco magm. craton SF

7 temporary BB stations since 1992 7 STS-2 5 Guralps (100s) 10 RT 72A a few 130 Swiss Stations (2002-2004) Present temporary stations Tomografia (Feng et al.,2006)

8 Upper Mantle P and S Tomography, Central and SE Brazil. Engdahl, Van der Hilst & Berrocal, GRL 1995. Schimmel, Assumpção & VanDecar, JGR 2003 Nazca plate

9 Upper Mantle Surface Wave Tomography - cooperation with Suzan Van der Lee (Northwestern Univ.) Vs, 100km depth Phys. Earth Planet. Int. 2004; JGR 2006, submitted

10 Crustal structure with Receiver Functions On going projects in cooperation with Natal, Brasilia, Rio Claro, NWU, Univ. South Carolina, espessura crustal (km)

11 Tomografia do Manto Superior ondas P e S Vp mais baixa indica litosfera mais fina (e mais fraca): maior sismicidade. - 2 MS concluídos, - 1 DR em curso - cooperação Carnegie Inst., CSIC Barcelona - Apoio FAPESP, CNPq

12 Número de sismos ao longo do perfil (faixa de +- 100km de largura) Iporá APIP CSF S.Mar/plat. mag>3,5 Limite litosfera/astenosfera ? Geophys. J. Int. 2004 NW SE

13 Modelo proposto Litosfera mais fina e mais quente é mais fraca: tensões intraplaca concentram-se na crosta superior manto crosta placa litosfera/ astenosfera fina, quente: fraca espessa, fria: resistente 1300 o C Assumpção et al., 2004. Geophys.J.Int.

14 high frequency (~5Hz) receiver functions in sedimentary basins R Z

15 Inversão da Função do Receptor basalto arenitos embasamento Zevallos et al.(submitted 2005) b a e

16 uniform catalog, 1955-2000 compression tension Stress directions in Brasil

17 Mecanismos focais e tensões intraplaca Ivan Zevallos, MS

18 1) Northern Paraná Basin : Basement topography and basin evolution. (with S. Carolina Univ.) 2) Crustal and upper mantle structure. (with Natal, NWU, S. Carolina Univ, Barcelona) Pool of 40 BB + 400 texans, to be funded by Petrobrás and used by Brazilian universities. Future?

19 Bebedouro

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