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JCMS Hallway Expectations for Staff & Students

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1 JCMS Hallway Expectations for Staff & Students
January 2019

2 JCMS Hallway Expectations for Students & Staff
Why do we have these expectations? There are a lot of people in the hallways between classes which requires us to establish some expectations so that all students are safe and able to travel to their next class with no issues. When do we start implementing these expectations? Today! We will be practicing the expectations this week and will continue to revisit them throughout the remainder of the school year. You will need to ask your teacher some questions after each of the slides with expectations on them are shared. Be thinking about what you will ask as you read through the expectations with your teacher. (your teacher will explain anything that is needed to as are sharing the expectations.)

3 Hallway Expectations for Students
Travel only on the right in hallways and walkways. Walk continuously from area to area between classes. Use conversational tone of voice (level 2) during passing periods. Use a voice level of 0-1 when traveling with your class (to lunch, the media center, auditorium, during drills.) Use a voice level of 0-1 when released early for athletics or activities. Follow directions given by an adult in the building. Carry all computers zipped up in a case at all times. Arrive to class on time (before your teacher closes the door.) Arrive to class with all needed materials. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

4 Questions? Ask your teacher at least 2 questions about what was just shared. If there are any questions they can’t answer, please the questions to Mrs. Oentrich.

5 Hallway Expectations for Students.
Travel no more than three students wide in hallways and walkways. (Only exceptions are passing from gym to class in morning and end of day dismissal.) Stand against the wall opposite of your locker when waiting to access your locker. When accessing your locker, place your belongings between you and your locker (directly in front of your locker.) Keep area near lockers clear from standing and talking in small groups. Dispose of all trash in the proper containers. Have individual passes when in the hallways during class time. Sign the sign-out sheet when leaving and reentering class. Act respectfully and courteously to all staff members and other students at all times.

6 Questions? Ask your teacher at least 2 questions about what was just shared. If there are any questions they can’t answer, please the questions to Mrs. Oentrich.

7 Hallway Expectations for Students
Once you arrive in class, you remain in class (even if the passing period has not concluded.) (Only exception is you may move freely during before school passing until 7:45 a.m., at this point, you must remain in class once you arrive.) Passes may be issued at teacher discretion only after the first 10 minutes of class have expired. (Only exceptions: checking out a computer from the Media Center or an emergency).

8 Questions? Ask your teacher at least 2 questions about what was just shared. If there are any questions they can’t answer, please the questions to Mrs. Oentrich.

9 Hallway Expectations for Staff
Be present at supervision stations outside classrooms through the duration of each passing period. (Staff needing to leave their supervision area will inform another staff member so that supervision can be shared/covered by another staff member during the absence.) Actively supervise by circulating and following responsibilities for interacting with students and correcting behaviors. Interact positively with students and make an effort to get to know less outgoing students. Correct misbehavior usually with quick, one-liner reminders and deliver appropriate consequence. Close classroom door to signal the start of class and identify tardy students. Open classroom door at the end of class to allow students to exit the classroom after them. (Staff may remain at entry until all students have exited. It is appropriate for staff to dismiss students in shifts.)

10 Questions? Ask your teacher at least 2 questions about what was just shared. If there are any questions they can’t answer, please the questions to Mrs. Oentrich.

11 Hallway Expectations for Staff
Issue passes at teacher discretion only after 10 minutes of class have elapsed. (Only exceptions: checking out a computer from the Media Center or an emergency). Always issue passes to any student leaving the classroom, and have all students sign the sign-out sheet when leaving or reentering the classroom. Review and reteach student behavior and expectations frequently. Check all visitors in building for proper identification and visitor passes. Travel with classes to and from the cafeteria, media center, auditorium and other functions, and lead them into the location upon arrival. Provide verbal praise to students when proper behavior is exhibited. Hall monitors and administrative staff will circulate unpredictably and intermittently.

12 Questions? Ask your teacher at least 2 questions about what was just shared. If there are any questions they can’t answer, please the questions to Mrs. Oentrich.

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