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CMS eBook Hi’Ed/INT’L Monthly Meeting July 20, 2011

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Presentation on theme: "CMS eBook Hi’Ed/INT’L Monthly Meeting July 20, 2011"— Presentation transcript:

1 CMS eBook Hi’Ed/INT’L Monthly Meeting July 20, 2011

2 Agenda iPad v1.1 Update Integrations iPad apps Wiki Site Updates
S11 for CCND/XL iPad apps eText for Schools v1.1 MyLabsPlus iPad app Wiki Site Updates Revised production documentation Jazz linking presentation Accessibility

3 iPad v1.1 Shipping to Apple for approval shortly
Downloaded chapters will need to be re-downloaded after app update is installed Revised video in app and on marketing page Revised FAQs to be posted

4 Integration Updates Scenario 11 CCND XL
Additional platforms discussing S11 integration

5 iPad apps eText for Schools v1.1 MyLabsPlus eText for iPad app
Due to be available in August Different name, logo & marketing page from HiEd app Uses RUMBA authentication MyLabsPlus eText for iPad app Planned for September/October

6 Wiki Site Updates Revised documentation reflecting eText v4.4 release:
Custom TOC: Guidelines, Template, Sample Spreadsheet Custom Hotspots: Guidelines, Template, Sample Spreadsheet Custom Basket: Guidelines, Template, Sample Spreadsheet Custom Glossary: Guidelines, Sample Spreadsheets Take advantage of x/y coordinate linking

7 Wiki Site Updates How to link Jazz to eText Accessibility statement
Revised statement to be posted shortly

8 Summer NSM

9 Thank you! Janet Marhefka Phone: 201-236-7037
Visit our Wiki:

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