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Sub: Identify the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan

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1 Sub: Identify the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan
The Cold War W.55 Describe the nature of reconstruction in Europe after 1945, including the purpose of the Marshall Plan, creation of NATO, and division of Germany. Why did the United States and the Soviet Union become political rivals after WWII? Sub: Identify the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan

2 A. Why did the United States and the Soviet Union become political rivals after WWII?
After WWII, a new rivalry between the world’s two most dominant nations came to the front. The United States Unwilling to give up power and prestige Wanted the liberated countries of Eastern Europe to determine own government type - democracy The Soviet Union Unwilling to give up protection (buffer) along its eastern border Established pro-Soviet regimes in Eastern Europe - communsim

3 A. Why did the United States and the Soviet Union become political rivals after WWII?
The Truman Doctrine (1947) Fearful of communist expansion into the east, the doctrine was established to offer financial aid to those countries (Greece, Turkey) most threatened by communism. Feb. 1947: “Like apples in a barrel infected by one rotten one, the corruption of Greece would infect Iran and all to the east. It would also carry infection to Africa through Asia Minor and Egypt, and to Europe…” Dean Acheson, U.S. undersecretary of State

4 A. Why did the United States and the Soviet Union become political rivals after WWII?
The Marshall Plan (1947) AKA the European Recovery Program Fearful that communism may spread to the developed nations of Western Europe, the plan provided $13 billion to re-build the war torn nations. The U.S. would provide loans in return for the “relinquishing of their political independence” among small satellite states. Stalin viewed the plan as an attempt by the U.S. to buy the support of smaller nations.

5 Assessment What are the fundamental political/economic differences between the United States and the Soviet Union? Describe how the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan increased tension between the United States and the Soviet Union. Bonus: Evaluate why Greece and Turkey’s geographic location played a role in the United State’s decision to provide them financial aid.

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