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WEC Asia Regional Flagship Project Alleviating Energy Poverty.

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Presentation on theme: "WEC Asia Regional Flagship Project Alleviating Energy Poverty."— Presentation transcript:

1 WEC Asia Regional Flagship Project Alleviating Energy Poverty

2 Specifications: PV 5 kW + Wind 3 kW Site: 1 location/Naran Soum Hospital Community Hall Government OfficeSchool DURE - Gobi Project Hybrid PV and Wind Power System for Naran Soum

3 Specification: PV 50W (DC type) Economical system: 1 light bulb, a B/W TV, and a radio Site: 2 locations/Ulaanbaatar, 1 location/Naran Soum Specification: PV 150W (AC type) Luxury system: 2-3 light bulbs, a color TV and a radio Site: 2 locations/Ulaanbaatar, 1 location/Naran Soum DURE - Gobi Project Solar Home System

4 Specification: PV 300W One location: Ministry of Fuel & Energy Plaza DURE- Gobi Project Solar Street LampSolar Fountain System Specification: PV 100W Six locations: Ministry of Fuel & Energy Plaza

5 I. GEEP: Brief Overview SolaWin (hybrid PV and wind power system) utilizes Mongolias abundant sun and wind In May 2007 three wells were dug on-site to determine the sufficiency of water flow to be used for irrigation Natural irrigation system constructed by using slope of the site Trees grown on the plantation will be planted to combat desertification In ensure economic sustainability, cash crops including medicinal plants will be grown

6 Site Wind 3 kW + PV 5 kW Ulaanbaatar Nalayh Project Locations











17 GEEP: Project Update Completed Monitoring Station and site preparation in September 2008 Construction of fencing around the site will be completed in November 2008 Installed 80kw hybrid system (4 sets of 10kw wind turbines; 40kw PV panels) Dug four 5000-ton reservoirs Successful test planting in greenhouse of potatoes and other vegetables *confirmed the potential for seedling cultivation * two ton potato harvest Will finish first stage of site preparation and testing of SolaWin in May/June 2009 *hold a formal opening ceremony and international seminar China and Uzbekistan seen as good potential markets

18 Item ShortMiddleLong 200820092010201120122013~ Phase 1 Korea Mongolia Joint Study System Installation (to Aug) 1 st Year Evaluation (May) Opening Ceremony & Seminar Final Evaluation & Completion (June 2009) Phase 2 Overseas Proposal Proposal Sent Work Progress (2 Regions) Dissemination (China, CIS 10 Sites) Phase 3 Site Development Test Plantation (vegetable, tree) Organic Farming Planting Site Offer to NGOs Site Development through IR Project Schedule

19 II. Energy Poverty in Mongolia (a) I SSUES Energy shortages Electricity shortfalls Central system; but in poor condition with high losses Some electricity in provincial capitals

20 Energy Poverty in Mongolia (b) S OLUTIONS Investment in system rehabilitation Technical assistance to improve system management Strengthening of reforms - to improve efficiency - commercial viability

21 GEEP & Energy Poverty in Mongolia Provision of electricity to the steppes from a grid is impossible This makes pumping of groundwater impossible 80% of Mongolia is experiencing some form of desertification GEEP by providing electricity, (thus reliving energy poverty) not only can groundwater be pumped and greening can occur (desertification redress) but new livelihoods will be created

22 GEEP: The Challenges Within Mongolia: - taxes on imported equipment - short weather-related construction period - weak or non-existent infrastructure Sharing GEEP with Asia: - depends on analysis of groundwater availability - creating an economically-viable model

23 WEC Views Provide the most vulnerable people with access to affordable energy Rising prices increase inequality drawing sharp lines between those who do have access to energy and those who do not Achieving growth while reducing inequalities WEF and WEC view energy poverty as an important development issue…the two institutions will jointly work on the Energy Poverty Action (EPA) project

24 WECs Role formidable platform for ideas work based on field realities regional action plans can help incite immediate action (Gadonneix, Rome 2007)

25 WECs Role – 2 Exactly how far can WEC go in - Facilitation for financial support/investments IBRD, ADB, Korea Development Bank, Korea Export & Import Bank, Korean Investment Corporation - Promotion of project development/replication (from Mongolia to Asia) - Support for holding workshop/seminar - Publicity In ways that will enhance the influence and visibility of WEC? EPAMU (Energy Poverty Action Management Unit) : a model for Asia too?

26 Thank You for Your Attention

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