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Chapter 16: Fungi Test Review.

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1 Chapter 16: Fungi Test Review

2 The spore-producing structures of fungi are called (a) fruiting bodies (b) mycelia (c) septa (d) lichen

3 Fruiting bodies

4 Stolons are hyphae that connect groups of
(a) spores (b) bracket fungi (c) mycelia (d) rhizoids

5 Rhizoids

6 A lichen is a symbiotic association between a fungus and what organism
Protist photosynthetic organism button mushrooms mycorrhizae

7 photosynthetic organism

8 What is a familiar club fungus?
(a) rhizoid (b) mold (c) mushroom (d) arthrobotyrs

9 Mushrooms

10 The process by which a smaller cell breaks away from a larger cell in some yeast is called
(a) budding (b) fusion (c) conjugation (d) fertilization

11 Budding

12 Fungi that do not undergo sexual reproduction are known as
(a) sac fungi (b) imperfect fungi (c) common molds (d) club fungi

13 imperfect fungi

14 Fungi that feed on living hosts can be parasites, mutualistic partners, or
(a) saprophytes (b) autotrophs (c) predators (d) zygospores

15 predators

16 Fungi are grouped into divisions based primarily on their
method of reproduction (b) cell structure (c) ways of getting nutrients (d) appearance

17 method of reproduction

18 What are the reproductive cells of fungi called
(a) buds (b) rhizoids (c) hyphae (d) spores

19 spores

20 What structures in club fungi produce spores?
(a) stolons (b) zygospores (c) basidia (d) asci

21 basidia

22 Fungi differ from plants in that they do not reproduce by seeds, and the cell walls of almost all fungi contain (a) Chitin (b) Chloroplasts (c) Chlorophyll (d) Cellulose

23 Chitin

24 What organism digest and absorbs nutrients from dead organisms?
(a) mycelium (b) saprophyte (c) fruiting body (d) septa

25 saprophyte

26 The tiny tubes filled with cytoplasm and nuclei that form the body of fungus are called
(a) hyphae (b) rhizoids (c) fruiting bodies (d) mycelia

27 hyphae

28 Septa are the walls that divide some (a) mycorrhizae (b) stolon basidia (c) mycelia (d) hyphae

29 hyphae

30 A zygospore of a fungus is a resting state that contains a sporangium which produces many
(a) parasite (b) spores (c) nuclei (d) cysts

31 spores

32 Hyphae tangle and interweave to form a mass known as a
(a) mycelium (b) basidium (c) rhizoid (d) fruiting body

33 mycelium

34 By fusing their nuclei and through meiosis, spores of a sac fungi form a(n) (a) basidium (b) stolon (c) septum (d) ascus

35 ascus

36 Bread mold and mildew are
(a) imperfect fungi (b) club fungi (c) common molds (d) sac fungi

37 common molds

38 Root-like hyphae that absorb nutrients and anchor a fungus to its food source.

39 Rhizoids

40 Specialized hyphae that transport nutrients throughout the fungus

41 Stolons

42 Type of spore that can survive for many years in harsh conditions.

43 Zygospore

44 Haploid reproductive cells that can develop into a new fungus

45 Spores

46 Mass of interwoven hyphae that make up the body of a fungus

47 Mycellium

48 Organism that digest and absorbs nutrients from dead organisms

49 Saprophyte

50 Wall that divide fungal hyphae into segments

51 Septa

52 Organism that absorbs nutrients from living host, harming the host.

53 Parasite

54 Individual filaments containing cytoplasm and nuclei that make
Individual filaments containing cytoplasm and nuclei that make up fungi.

55 Hyphae

56 Type of relationship in which an organism absorbs nutrients from
Type of relationship in which an organism absorbs nutrients from living host while providing the host with needed materials.

57 Mutualisitic

58 Specialized hyphae, found in most fungi that release reproductive
Specialized hyphae, found in most fungi that release reproductive cells.

59 Sporangia

60 Saclike structure containing nuclei produced during reproduction
Saclike structure containing nuclei produced during reproduction of some fungi

61 Ascus

62 Spore-producing structure found in club fungi

63 Basidium

64 Final Question

65 What are the three main components to fungi.

66 Cap Stipe Annulus

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