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Sequential specimens stained with GMS (magnification, ×120) showing mold infections in a neutropenic patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Sequential.

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1 Sequential specimens stained with GMS (magnification, ×120) showing mold infections in a neutropenic patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Sequential specimens stained with GMS (magnification, ×120) showing mold infections in a neutropenic patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (A and B) Hyaline septated hyphae in the lung. The culture was positive for Aspergillus fumigatus. (C) Hyphae (by culture a Fusarium sp.) in a nasal debridement sample obtained in the same patient 3 days after the lung biopsy. The morphology of fungal elements could be confused with mucormycosis, since there are few septations and the hyphae twist and turn. (D) Hyaline pauciseptated hyphae in a lung specimen obtained at autopsy 22 days after the nasal debridement. The specimen stained positive using immunohistochemistry for mucormycosis. The morphology of the hyphae is distorted, probably due to previous antifungal treatment. Jeannette Guarner, and Mary E. Brandt Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 2011; doi: /CMR

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