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Lorene Henderson Magistra Potter 3rd Period

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Presentation on theme: "Lorene Henderson Magistra Potter 3rd Period"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lorene Henderson Magistra Potter 3rd Period
Lares and Penates Lorene Henderson Magistra Potter 3rd Period

2 What/ Who is it? Household gods of Ancient Rome
Term means household or personal possessions Offerings were made to the gods before each meal

3 Lares Spirits of the dead Guarded homes, crossroads and cities
Aka Lar Familiaris Made sure each family line didn’t die out

4 Types of Lares Lares Compitales- guarded crossroads and neighboorhoods
Honored 4 times a year in Compitalia (festival) Lares Praestites- guarded city of Rome

5 Penates Guardian Gods of the storeroom (pantry)
Protected the welfare and prosperity of the household Associated with Vesta (Goddess of the Hearth)

6 Types of Penates Penates Publici – Guardians of the state and object of Roman Patriotism Legend that they were once household gods of Aeneas

7  Finis

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