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Third Grade Newsletter

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1 Third Grade Newsletter
GIFTED GAZETTE 2.7 Dec. 4th - Dec. 8th What we’re learning this week… Vocabulary & Test Schedule Reading: This week we will… spend time identifying figurative language in read-alouds Practice comprehension skils from various short stories We will independently begin reading a self-selected novel, learn to write a thorough and thoughtful reading responses, and share writing with the class. Language/Writing: use a “mentor sentence” to apply grammar skills review figurative language terms, identify, create examples: simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, idiom, alliteration, allusion Christmas Around the World booklet holiday-themed and reading-response journal writing Spelling: There will be no Friday spelling test or homework this week. Journal writing will be assessed for conventional spelling of high-frequency and other studied words and for adding suffixes to base words (sitting, smiled, cries, happiness). Students have been learning to use reference materials, including dictionaries, thesauruses, peer editors, and computer resources. They will be expected to consult these resources as needed to check and edit their writing. Math: This week we will… perform arithmetic operations, including some involving whole-number exponents, in a particular order (Order of Operations). apply a common technique for remembering the order of operations "PEMDAS", which is turned into the mnemonic phrase "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally". This phrase stands for, and helps one remember the order of, "Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction". enrichment of curriculum through Order of Operation Bakery Project Project of the Week (P.O.W.): in-class assignment due Friday Research: “Christmas Around the World” and family traditions multi-week enrichment project. Classical Roots Vocab.: Lesson 16 (Review of Lessons 13-15) FRIDAY Test Schedule: Reading: weekly comprehension test Vocabulary: Lesson 16 (review of lessons 13-15) multiple choice questions only Language: Mentor Sentence/Fig language identification /classwork participation Spelling: Assessed through journal writing. Students are expected to consult dictionaries, peer editors, and computer resources to monitor spelling when writing. Math: Order of Operations test Dec. 7~ Santa Photos Dec. 14~ 3rd grade Winter Party (homeroom only); Winter Chorus Concert 9:30am; 6:30pm in gym for parents Dec. 18 ~ Christmas Around the World Presentations Dec 19~ Polar Express Day (more info to come) Dec. 20~ 1/2 day for students Dec. 21-Jan2~ Winter Holiday (no school) A note from the teachers Does your family have a holiday tradition that you would like to share with our class? A tradition can mean anything you do together in your own unique way - a special dessert or meal, a holiday custom, craft, story, or game, etc… Please help us celebrate diversity this holiday season and let us know if you’d like to bring a family member to school to share a holiday tradition or custom that represents your heritage. your teacher for more info! MOBY MAX! Please consider logging in at home to practice/accelerate reading and math skills using this individualized learning program. Each student has a username and password and should be using this resource to maximize their learning potential. Ms. Morrison & Ms. Doescher

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