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Short update on the Status of the execution of

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1 Short update on the Status of the execution of
Mandate M424 (CEN Standards for PS) Ulrich Borchers

2 Mandate 424 Mandate 424 addressed to CEN to develop or improve methods to support WFD monitoring Requirements/problems to solve Analysis of whole water samples The method should enable the analysis of samples containing up to 0.5 g/L of suspended solids LOQ equal or less than 30% EQS Measurement uncertainty equal or less than 50% Method should be fully in-house validated and tested for ruggedness prior to inter-lab validation Validation by international inter-comparison according to ISO 5725

3 Projects included in the Mandate
Five chemical parameters/groups WP 1 - Organochlorine pesticides Alachlor, endosulfan, hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorocyclohexane isomers, pentachlorobenzene, DDT and metabolites, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, and isodrin WP 2 - PBDE Congeners representative for the technical pentaBDE formulation BDE28, BDE47, BDE99, BDE100, BDE153, and BDE154

4 Projects included in the Mandate
Five chemical parameters/groups WP 3 - Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Anthracene, fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(b)fluoran-thene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene and benzo(ghi)perylene WP 4 - Tributyltin compounds WP 5 - C10 to C13Chloroalkanes

5 The problem Resolution 423 (London-8)
CEN/TC 230 accepts the TC 230 secretariat oral report on the unfortunate slow progress with the mandate M424 in CEN…… The meeting was very disappointed with the lack of progress, the complications with the bureaucracy and tendering process, and the resultant negative consequences on the schedule. The secretariat will therefore discuss in due course of time with CCMC about a possible revision and simplification of the execution of the mandate within CEN and DG Environment to try and facilitate a more productive way forward.

6 The problem The bureaucratic problems and the formal and juridical obstacles with the tendering procedure for a financed project for the execution of the mandate are fully at the side of the secretariat of TC 230. No problems at COM side occurred (DG ENV, DG ENTR) Nevertheless, TC 230 is able to produce CEN standards in a clear, transparent and harmonised approach. The way of producing standards is commonly accepted and leads to validated and robust methods

7 The way forward It was decided to carry out the mandated work immediately and without a fully financed support. This is the only way forward with respect to the time frame and the urgent need for the methods 5 PWI were installed meanwhile for all 5 approaches concerned And sound methods were proposed by France, The Netherlands, UK, Germany

8 The 5 New Work Items Water analysis - Determination of organochlorine pesticides (OCP) in whole water samples (working title) Proposed by RWD, The Netherlands Water analysis - Determination of organo-tin compounds in whole water samples (working title) Proposed by AQUAREF, France Water analysis - Determination of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE) in whole water samples (working title) Proposed by Northhumbrian Waters, UK

9 The 5 New Work Items Water analysis - Determination of PAH in whole water samples (working title) Proposed by France and UK Water analysis - Determination of short-chain polychlorinated alkanes (SCCP) in water ISO/ DIS 12010 In Collaboration with ISO TC 147/SC2

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