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Presentation on theme: "INITIATIVES ON AFLATOXIN CONTROL /RWANDA"— Presentation transcript:

PRESENTED BY Mr. MUKUNZI Antoine, Director Testing Labs/RBS

2 INTRODUCTION Agriculture employs over 80% of the population, contributes 34% to the GDP, and is the main earner of foreign exchange in Rwanda. Because of this important economic role, the agriculture sector holds a strategic position within the Government of Rwanda’s (GOR)

3 INTRODUCTION Medium and long-term goals as outlined in the Vision 2020 and EDPRS Due to that the Government of Rwanda (GOR) has clearly prioritized the development of the agriculture sector as a means of reducing poverty, which is predominantly focused in the rural areas, and of driving economic growth.

4 INTRODUCTION With the success of the Crop Intensification Program (CIP) that was implemented in 2007, increases in crop yields resulted in unanticipated surpluses in key staple grains and cereals. To better address the issues of post-harvest loss resulting from the lack of capacity in post-harvest handling and storage,

5 INITIATIVES The Post-Harvest Task Force was established in 2009.
The Post-Harvest Task Force aims to maximize net profits for smallholder farmers and reduce food insecurity by strengthening staple crop value chains and reducing post-harvest losses.

6 INITIATIVES Reduce staple crop post-harvest losses at producer and first aggregator level Build RAB Post-Harvest Team capacity, Identify and prioritize economically relevant post-harvest technology, Disseminate and promote the uptake of technology, Reduce post-harvest losses

7 INITIATIVES Rwanda Bureau of Standards (RBS) was established in as the only body with powers to define and possess national standards and Most of food Standards were declared and as mandatory.

8 INITIATIVES The Government of Rwanda is currently reforming RBS; to make it more efficient, RBS will focus on non-regulatory functions Inspections will go to a separate Agency; National Inspectorate and Competition Authority (NICA)

9 INITIATIVES RBS has the following responsibilities:
Development and publication of national food standards Harmonization of Rwanda standards with regional and international standards, Dissemination of information on standards and technical regulations

10 INITIATIVES Import inspection, market surveillance and industrial inspection Testing and Metrology services Certification services Aflatoxins testing is mandatory for all industries applying for certification

11 INITIATIVES Rwanda uses the EAC harmonized standards for cereals and cereal products is: 5ppb for Aflatoxins B1, 10 ppb for total Aflatoxins, 2 ppm for fumonisin And moisture content at 13.5 to 14%

12 INITIATIVES RBS has the necessary testing equipment for wide range of mycotoxins: HPTLC (TLC Scanner 3) automated developing chamber HPLC with fluorescent detector LC-QQQ for testing of more mycotoxin at low detection limit and metabolites

13 HPTLC IN RBS LABS Rwanda participates in FAPAS; UKAS accredited Proficiency Testing Scheme Provider

14 INITIATIVES In partisanship with International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), supported by USAID, We are undertaking the project on quantifying the problem in maize and cassava in households and markets, and sensitization of targeted stakeholders based on a cost-benefit analysis”

15 INITIATIVES Objectives: Quantify key mycotoxin in maize and cassava in rural households and markets Sensitize stakeholders in Rwanda about occurrence of key mycotoxins mechanisms

16 INITIATIVES Objectives (Cont): Establish a prevalence database that can guide mycotoxin risk assessment and risk mapping activities in the country and hence strengthen standards and regulation

17 INITIATIVES The first batch of samples have been collected and submitted to BOKU-IFA for analysis by applying an LC-MS/MS based multi-analyte method The results of the analysis of multiple mycotoxins and fungal metabolites in 109 cassava and 117 maize samples were received

18 INITIATIVES Another duty within this project is the transfer of know-how on LC-MS-based mycotoxin analysis to the RBS. Laboratory analyst went to BOKU-IFA and got trained on LCQQQ method Currently the BOKU-IFA expert is in RBS to assist in LCQQQ method development

19 GAPS TO BE ADDRESSED More support to complement the IITA USAID project , 500 samples taken are very few for whole country and cover other commodities. Need for more research to establish standards levels based on country and regional problems

20 GAPS TO BE ADDRESSED Set up of regional intercomparisons schemes because FAPAS is expensive Development of Maximum Limits (MLs) for other mycotoxins Support in equipment maintenance, troubleshooting and waste disposal

21 Thank You for your kind attention!


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