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TXTEAMM TeXas Trails Education And Motorized Management OHV Park 101 Or Everything youd want to know about running an OHV park ( almost! )

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Presentation on theme: "TXTEAMM TeXas Trails Education And Motorized Management OHV Park 101 Or Everything youd want to know about running an OHV park ( almost! )"— Presentation transcript:

1 TXTEAMM TeXas Trails Education And Motorized Management OHV Park 101 Or Everything youd want to know about running an OHV park ( almost! )

2 I have the land and I know that there are a lot of offroaders who want to use it, but… Should I just open my gate and let them build the trails themselves? How do you build trails for offroading? What about the liabilities? How much do I charge? What kinds of rules do I need – and how do I enforce them? What about an office? restrooms? signs? Where will they park to unload? How much room do I need for that? How do I keep track of them once theyre on the property? And the list goes on and on…if the questions seem overwhelming, dont despair…

3 Just remember these few simple ideas about offroad recreation… Other states have been doing this for years. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. They should be considered tourists. They want & need the same things all other tourists want. As with any other sector of the public, they need management. They need trails – to suit a variety of age/skill levels. Youll need to give them rules and regulations specific to your land/trails. Most are very family oriented – they are not all beer swilling Bubbas.

4 There are many state and national organizations to help you … Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Recreational Trails Division Funding through federal gas tax rebate grant program Funding through federal gas tax rebate grant program Recreational Grants Division Funding through recreational and community development programs/grants Funding through recreational and community development programs/grants OHV Program OHV Program Provides assistance in developing, managing and advertising OHV recreational opportunities Provides assistance in developing, managing and advertising OHV recreational opportunities Funding through state decal program grants Funding through state decal program grants Inland Fisheries Division Inland Fisheries Division Provides assistance and approval for Local River Access Plans (LRAPs) Provides assistance and approval for Local River Access Plans (LRAPs)

5 The NOHVCC is a national non-profit organization with state representatives. They are devoted to helping promote a positive image and future for off-highway vehicle recreation. A virtual storehouse of information for operating, maintaining and supporting motorized recreation of all kinds.

6 Tread Lightly ! Principles T - Travel and Recreate with Minimum Impact T - Travel and Recreate with Minimum Impact R – Respect the Environment and the Rights of R – Respect the Environment and the Rights of Others Others E – Educate Yourself, Plan and Prepare Before You E – Educate Yourself, Plan and Prepare Before You Go Go A – Allow for the Future Use of the Outdoors A – Allow for the Future Use of the Outdoors (leave it better than you found it!) (leave it better than you found it!) D- Discover the Rewards of Responsible Recreation D- Discover the Rewards of Responsible Recreation

7 Other national groups include: The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) Can provide political, statistical, legal and funding information Can provide political, statistical, legal and funding information The ATV Institute of America (ASI) The ATV Institute of America (ASI) Can provide free safety training for ATV users Can provide free safety training for ATV users ATV safety training is required for all public land users in Texas ATV safety training is required for all public land users in Texas Keep America Beautiful Keep America Beautiful Has a state affiliate, Keep Texas Beautiful Has a state affiliate, Keep Texas Beautiful Provides organization for litter pick-up, free trash bags, advertising in local newspapers Provides organization for litter pick-up, free trash bags, advertising in local newspapers

8 The Basic Six 1.Land, what kind and how much 2.User group, M/Cs, ATVs, 4x4s or any combination of these three 3.Trails 4.Rules and Regulations 5.Infrastructure 6.Legal issues

9 First and foremost, consider the type of land you are using…..

10 And just how much of it you want to devote to offroad use…. Off highway motorcycles (OHMs) and ATVs need the most acreage 4x4s need less acreage but more elevation change All three disciplines will need more acreage than each one individually OHMs and ATVs can sometimes use 4x4 trails, but rarely is it vice versa

11 Some land needs more management than others…… Sand dunes have open riding, no trails No trails to follow means more management of the individual The need for stricter rules and regulations

12 Other land can almost help manage itself… Trails systems help keep users contained Thickly wooded/desert cactus areas can keep trailblazing to a minimum Long, scenic trails help keep users satisfied and coming back

13 You must balance the user groups with the type and amount of land you have available OHMs travel quickest of all users, prefer to utilize single tracks OHMs travel quickest of all users, prefer to utilize single tracks ATVs can travel either slow or fast, prefer to utilize double tracks ATVs can travel either slow or fast, prefer to utilize double tracks Both these user groups need long trails Both these user groups need long trails 4x4s travel slow, leave the largest footprint of all 4x4s need/want drastic elevation changes Can utilize shorter trails if topography is sufficient

14 Trails and Trail Systems The trails should be designed by professionals for maximum sustainability and to minimize liability Trails should be always be marked with the proper signage Trails should be mapped Trail users can be utilized as a volunteer labor force Trails can be rated for skill level Trails can be utilized by both motorized and non- motorized users ( horses and hikers love OHV trails! )

15 Rules and Regulations are: to insure the safety of your visitors to limit your liability to maintain the proper use of the land tailored to the user groups, land management practices and legal requirements in written form signed by all users, especially for minors kept on file enforced when necessary have definite consequences for non-compliance posted near the office check in area or at the trailhead


17 Minimum Infrastructure Office/check-in area From a minimum of a drop box near a gate to a check –in office with a retail outlet attached. Good fencing or some other type of containment method Restrooms This can be as minimal as portable restrooms - to restrooms with showers attached. Marked trails system (except in sand dunes) Mapped and/or marked with signage Staging area This is an area designated for loading and unloading. Size will depend upon type of vehicles and usage patterns. *** Maximum infrastructure is limited only by your budget and creativity – but dont price yourself out of your market!

18 Texas New OHV Trail & Recreational Area Program SB 1311 adopted by 79 th Legislature of Texas SB 1311 adopted by 79 th Legislature of Texas Established a decal program to be administered by Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept. (TPWD) Established a decal program to be administered by Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept. (TPWD) Funds gathered to be used for establishing OHV recreation sites, maintenance of a public system of trails, improving existing trails and recreational sites and education on the responsible use of OHVs Funds gathered to be used for establishing OHV recreation sites, maintenance of a public system of trails, improving existing trails and recreational sites and education on the responsible use of OHVs Cost $8 first year, annual renewal in September Cost $8 first year, annual renewal in September Required for use on all public lands or lands purchased or developed under either the RTF or state grant program. Required for use on all public lands or lands purchased or developed under either the RTF or state grant program.

19 TeXas Trails Education And Motorized Management (TXTEAMM) Is recognized by : The Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept.

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