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Today: Lab "Getting Pushy"

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1 Today: Lab "Getting Pushy"
Acceleration due to force. Thanks for bringing the skates! Please, take them home today. Be sure to turn in homework from yesterday if you didn't already! Thursday, Nov 15, 2012

2 Does a constant net force produce a constant speed?
Think about it: If a rocket capable of producing 3 pounds (15- N) of horizontal force is fastened to a skater, could the skater's motion significantly change? Vote for A or B: Option A: The skater would be travelling at quite a high speed after about 1 or 2 minutes. Option B: The skater would still be travelling at the same initial speed (not very fast)?

3 Lab Procedure: Write this down!
1. Groups of 4 or 5 (each group will be given a #) 2. Each person in the group will need to do a different function: skater, puller, timer, recorder, pusher. Do a couple practice runs first! 3. Do not be too forceful with the spring scales (if you break them, you will have to pay) 4. It is best to sit on the skateboard. 5. For each trial, the skater must roll the entire 15m length of track in one shot. 6. It will be up to the timer to catch the time the skater passes each 5m, 10m, and 15m mark. 7. For Table A, keep a constant force around 10-N For Table B, keep a constant force around 16-N

4 To plot the graph: 1. One graph only! (on the back of the last page)
2. Plot time on the X axis and distance on the Y. 3. Plot all of Table A and Table B on each graph. 4. You will, in the end, have two "best fit" lines plotted, one for Table A and one for Table B. 5. Make each "best fit" line a different color. 6. List all units of measure. 7. Give your graph an appropriate title. Analysis: think in terms of opposing friction force vs. applied force, as well as a = F/m

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