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Picture this!.

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Presentation on theme: "Picture this!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Picture this!

2 Who do you think the intended audience is for this picture book?
What do you think is the purpose of this book? Based on your answers to the above, what do you think will be the level of language in the book?

3 Are all picture books for children?

4 What do you see in this image?

5 Any similarities?

6 Picture books for all Picture books can be for any age group and may target more than one group at a time. Think of movies like Shrek: they are children's movies but contain a lot of adult humour. More often than not picture books are for younger readers. Why do you think this is?

7 Comics, Graphic Novels and Picture Books
Series such as Batman, Spiderman and the Fantastic Four are all examples of what? Do these involve simple illustrations and plot lines?

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