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Management of The Royal Parks

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Presentation on theme: "Management of The Royal Parks"— Presentation transcript:

1 Management of The Royal Parks
Going to give the Park’s view and my own perspective Dennis Clarke Head of Park Services

2 The Royal Parks Agency and how it manages the Royal Parks
Historical overview Governance Funding Management of the Parks Parks want to be part of the country in the city 20% of Westminster Royal Parks protect our views

3 Historical overview Crown Lands Act 1851 8 Parks 2,000 hectares
Executive Agency 1993 Foundation 2003 Parks want to be part of the country in the city 20% of Westminster Royal Parks protect our views

4 Governance Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport
Executive Agency within DCMS Royal Parks Board Executive Committee Audit committee Accounting officer Parks want to be part of the country in the city 20% of Westminster Royal Parks protect our views

5 Royal Parks Structure Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executive
Directors, Heads of Services and Park Managers Specialist staff Bought in services e.g. legal Park Units with dedicated teams Parks want to be part of the country in the city 20% of Westminster Royal Parks protect our views

6 Lottery funds and Grants
Funding Government Commercial Foundation Partnerships Lottery funds and Grants Parks want to be part of the country in the city 20% of Westminster Royal Parks protect our views

7 The Park Management Context
Heavy Park use Very high profile International importance Historic, treasured landscapes Important buildings and monuments Biodiversity and key habitats Parks want to be part of the country in the city 20% of Westminster Royal Parks protect our views

8 Aims of Park Management
High Standards with well managed, quality parks Value for money and efficiency Flexibility and scope to adapt Public Accountability An exemplar within the United Kingdom Work with others in the industry to develop and share best practice Parks want to be part of the country in the city 20% of Westminster Royal Parks protect our views

9 How do we achieve our aims?
Good specifications Good materials Close supervision Contracts developed through experience and review Partnerships Parks want to be part of the country in the city 20% of Westminster Royal Parks protect our views

10 How do we ensure we deliver?
Review and Monitoring of our work Independent landscape assessment Green Flag and other judging Visitor Surveys Budgetary systems – Core and Priority Work Staff training Apprenticeship Scheme Parks want to be part of the country in the city 20% of Westminster Royal Parks protect our views

11 Management Systems Park Business Units Project Management
Targets for delivery Accountability Staff Appraisal Planning Parks want to be part of the country in the city 20% of Westminster Royal Parks protect our views

12 Planning in The Royal Parks
Corporate Plan Business Plans Operation Plans Risk Registers Park Management Plans Conservation Plans Parks want to be part of the country in the city 20% of Westminster Royal Parks protect our views

13 Examples of Recent Achievements
High levels of visitor satisfaction Awards for Partnership work with our contractors Invitations to share best practice and give international presentations Strengthened relationships with stakeholders Parks want to be part of the country in the city 20% of Westminster Royal Parks protect our views

14 Future challenges (and opportunities)
Climate change Increasing use Spending review Skills Developing competition Olympics Parks want to be part of the country in the city 20% of Westminster Royal Parks protect our views

15 Colin Buttery and Dennis Clarke
Questions for Colin Buttery and Dennis Clarke Parks want to be part of the country in the city 20% of Westminster Royal Parks protect our views

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