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The Secret of Great Leaders

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1 The Secret of Great Leaders
Hank Parker Shoot February 28, 2019 Mark A. Conklin Chick-fil-A SERVE 27 May 2019

2 Leadership SKILLS CHARACTER Chick-fil-A SERVE 27 May 2019

3 Five Practices of a Great Leader
3 2 4 1 5 Five Practices of a Great Leader Chick-fil-A SERVE 27 May 2019

4 See and Shape the Future
3 2 4 1 5 See and Shape the Future Chick-fil-A SERVE 27 May 2019

5 Engage and Develop Others
3 2 4 1 5 Engage and Develop Others Chick-fil-A SERVE 27 May 2019

6 Reinvent Continuously
3 2 4 1 5 Reinvent Continuously Chick-fil-A SERVE 27 May 2019

7 Value Results and Relationships
3 2 4 1 5 Value Results and Relationships Chick-fil-A SERVE 27 May 2019

8 3 2 4 1 5 Embody the Values We’ve seen that great leaders
See and shape the future Engage and develop others Reinvent continuously And they value both results and relationships The fifth and final practice great leaders follow is to embody the values. If understood and applied properly, this can be the most powerful tool used by a leader—in fact, we believe it is the most important lesson we will impart to you today. If we as leaders don’t embody the values we say we stand for, then frankly no one’s going to care if we follow the other practices or not. Definition: Someone who embodies the values exemplifies the non-negotiable values that comprise the corporate culture. [Journal entry] Write this last practice down in your journal, in the space provided: Great leaders Embody the Values. [Give the audience 15 seconds or so to complete] Embody the Values Chick-fil-A SERVE 27 May 2019

Throughout history, all truly great leaders have had this in common: their strong character has motivated them to serve others. This is the SERVE model of leadership. We believe effective leaders must be willing to model and teach these practices, and the skills that accompany each. Go ahead and write down this acronym in the space provided in your journal [Give them 15 seconds or so to write S – E – R – V – E in their journals] ENGAGE AND DEVELOP OTHERS REINVENT CONTINUOUSLY VALUE RESULTS AND RELATIONSHIPS EMBODY THE VALUES Chick-fil-A SERVE 27 May 2019

10 SERVING LEADER? Am I a Ask yourself; am I a serving leader, or a self-serving leader? I can guarantee you which one is more fulfilling. There may be times when even a great leader finds him or herself being self-serving, but the goal is to always find a way to serve others. It’s a journey of self-denial, and it won’t happen overnight. Chick-fil-A SERVE 27 May 2019

11 YOU get to choose… I would like to close our time with a story.
One evening about 140 years ago, Abraham Lincoln was sitting in the White House on a Sunday afternoon. He was feeling the burden of leadership and the grief from the death of his son, Tad. However, he did what he often did on Sunday evening – he went to church. On this particular occasion he was accompanied by one of his aides. After the service, the aide asked the President what he thought of the message. The president’s response was, “The pastor was well-prepared and articulate.” The aide responded, “But what did you think of the message?” Lincoln responded, “The minister failed.” “Why did he fail?” the aide asked. “He failed because he did not challenge the congregation!” I would not do service to you today if I did not leave you with a challenge. We all get to decide how good a leader we’re going to be. Who decides my vision for the future? I do. Who’s going to decide whether I’ll engage and develop others? Me, right? And you, in your situation. You decide how you interact with people, how you teach them, how you’ll reinvent yourself. You have to challenge yourself to value both results and relationships, and to compensate for your natural bias. And you have to embody your values. No one else is going to do it for you. But if you do your best, a lot of people will do it with you. YOU get to choose… Chick-fil-A SERVE 27 May 2019

12 Chick-fil-A SERVE 27 May 2019

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