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Dante Anton Anthro 174AW Winter 2010

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1 Dante Anton Anthro 174AW Winter 2010
SCSSv1721: “Wealthy” Dante Anton Anthro 174AW Winter 2010

2 Why Investigate Wealth?
Current social prevalence Globally applicable Human Nature of categorizing SCSSv1721=number of “rich” people

3 Question: What increases the amount of wealthy within a society?
Hypothesis: The number of wealthy people will be increased by availability of natural resources (SCCSv857 “ecorich”) and absence or negative correlation of chronic resource problems (SCCSv1685 “foodscarc”) depvar: Wealthy Indepvar: Same ones as Polygamy *see results* Why use the same indepvars as polygamy?

4 Unrestricted Results R2:final model R2:IV(distance) R2:IV(language)
<= Fstat df pvalue RESET Wald on restrs NCV SWnormal lagll lagdd mnb fst v pval VIF (Intercept) NA fyll fydd pre_mar_sex money foodstress femctrldwellg fratgrpstr marrcaptives <= plunder cultints HIGH VIF roots cereals HIGH VIF gath plow hunt fish

5 Unrestricted Results (cont.)
anim HIGH VIF pigs <= milk HIGH VIF bovines HIGH VIF tree foodtrade foodscarc NO ecorich NO popdens <= pathstress exogamy ncmallow famsize <= settype localjh superjh moralgods fempower femsubs sexratio <= war himilexp wagelabor "27" "41" "27" "3" "98" "Wealthy"

6 Unrestricted Results after reconfiguration
Hypothesis nullified ecorich is negatively correlated and foodscarc is positively correlated; high p-values New indepvars to investigate for restricted model: marrcaptives <= pigs <= popdens <= famsize <= sexratio <=

7 Restricted Model Results
coef Fstat ddf pvalue VIF (Intercept) NA fyll fydd marrcaptives pigs popdens famsize sexratio <= NO! R2:final model R2:IV(distance) R2:IV(language) Fstat df pvalue RESET Wald on restrs NCV SWnormal lagll lagdd "27" "41" "27" "3" "98" "Wealthy"

8 Restricted Model Results (cont.)
R2:final model R2:IV(distance) R2:IV(language) Fstat df pvalue RESET Wald on restrs NCV SWnormal lagll lagdd mnb fst v pval VIF (Intercept) NA fyll fydd marrcaptives pigs popdens <= signif famsize "27" "41" "27" "3" "98" "Wealthy

9 Interpretation of Results
fyll Neg. correlation: differentiation from language family fydd Poss. correlation: more neighbors, more effects on wealthy marrcaptives Poss. correlation: more married or concubine slaves from warfare, more wealthy pigs Neg. correlation: lack of pigs as largest form of animal husbandry, more wealthy popdens <= signif Poss. Correlation: Most significant indepvar; more people increases probability of more wealthy famsize Neg. coreelation: the smaller the family size, the more wealthy Notice the low p-values (randomness) and VIFs

10 Interpretation of Results (cont.)
R2:final model R2:IV(distance) R2:IV(language) R2 value(% predictor) is %

11 What about the “Poor” (SCCSv1723; restricted results)?
DRW “Poor is positively correlated with Wealthy.” mnb fst v pval VIF (Intercept) NA fyll fydd marrcaptives pigs popdens famsize Discrepancies between Wealthy and Poor: 1. fydd is more signif in Poor 2. marrcaptives is neg. correlated in Poor 3. All other indepvars besides popdense have high P-values

12 Conclusions After running various models through R, I have come to the conclusion that my original hypothesis was incorrect; ecorich and foodscarc were respectively negatively and positively correlated with Wealthy, and had p-values too high to consider them as indepvars for my restricted model. Instead the effect of neighbors fydd and popdense turned out to be the most significant indepvars. Because of the possitive correlation between “Wealthy” and “Poor,” the restricted model results for “Poor” reaffirmed popdense as the most significant depvar while simultaneously highlighting marrcaptives and famsize as inversely related indepvars with respects to the relationship between Wealthy and Poor. Taking these results into consideration, I will focus my study of the prevalence of a wealthy population in relation to a society’s population density as well as the occurrence of taking wives and concubines from neighboring conquered societies.

13 Points of Contention: What is “Wealth”?
Subjective The poor may view the middle class as “Wealthy” while the ultra rich view them as “Poor” Culturally and Socially prescribed values and fetishized commodities Trobrianders vs. US citizens vs. !Kung FINAL THOUGHT: Can marrcaptives be a form of polygamy if the concubines are added to an existing marital relationship? I hypothesize that more wealth/resources are needed to sustain polygamy/marrcaptives (and therefore a larger family size); so a higher prevalence of marrcaptives should see a higher concentration of wealthy people.

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