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Cascading Style Sheets III B. Com (Paper - VI) & III B

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1 Cascading Style Sheets III B. Com (Paper - VI) & III B
Cascading Style Sheets III B.Com (Paper - VI) & III B.Sc (Paper - VIIC) Web Technologies By S.Vinila Kumari, Dept.of Computer Science

2 Outline Introduction What is CSS ? Types of selectors
Different ways of CSS Advantages of CSS Conclusion References

3 Introduction HTML tags only provide limited formatting
We can manually change the format for all the H1 headlines, but what about we have 100 pages in our website?

4 Introduction <html> <body bgcolor=“cyan”>
<h2><font color=“blue”> I am blue</h1> <h3><font color=“blue”>I am blue</h2> </body> </html>

5 Introduction

6 Introduction

7 Introduction CSS Created by Hakon Wium Lie in 1994
HTML is used to structure content. CSS is used to formatting structured content

8 Introduction

9 Introduction

10 Introduction CSS helps web developers to create a uniform look across number of pages of a website

11 Introduction Former with CSS all of this formatting information was made directly in the document either in the form of attributes like height or width.

12 CSS MEANS? Cascading : refers to the procedure that determines which style will apply to a certain section , if we have more than one style rule

13 CSS MEANS? Style : how we want a certain part of our page to look. we can set things like color, margins, font etc for things like tables, paragraphs and headings.

14 CSS MEANS? Sheets:the “sheets” are like templates or a set of rules, for determining how the web page will look.

15 CSS MEANS? So, CSS (all together) is a styling language – a set of rules to tell the browsers how our web page should look

16 Structure of CSS The CSS rules are made up of 5 parts: selector
declaration property / value declaration block curly braces

17 Selector Definition: The HTML element we want add style to.
<p> <h1> <table> etc

18 Selector {declaration;} Declaration = {property: value;}
Definition: The statement of style for that element. Selector {declaration;} Declaration = {property: value;}

19 Property & Value Each property has a value.
: (Colon) – Seperates property & value ; (Semicolon) – seperates pairs from each other

20 Property & Value Property : What particular we need to format
ex: color, font, margins etc. Value : The exact settings for that format ex : red, italic, 40px etc.

21 Value 2px pixels 1mm millimeters 2cm centimeters 0.2in inches

22 Declaration Block Definition: multiple declaration lines
including the curly braces

23 Curly Braces Definition: the curly braces contain the
properties of the element we want to manipulate, and the values that we want to change them to .

24 Structure of CSS

25 Selector {property: value;} This is the text in this paragraph.
Implement examples Selector {property: value;} p {color: yellow;} This is the text in this paragraph. p

26 Selector {property: value;}
Implement examples Selector {property: value;} p {color: red; background-color: yellow;} p This is my link

27 Types of selectors p

28 The Universal selector
Rather than selecting elements of a specific type, this selector quite simply matches the name of any element type * { color: green; } p

29 The Grouping selector h1, h2, h3 { color: green; }
We can apply a style to many selectors just separate the selectors with a comma h1, h2, h3 { color: green; } p

30 Class Selector Here we can use the same class on multiple elements
Syntax: .class name { css declarations; }

31 Class Selector CSS <html> <head> <style>
.intro {background-color:yellow; color:red} </style></head> <body> <h1 class=“intro”> css</h1> <p class=“intro”> css </p> </body> </html>

32 Class Selector

33 ID Selector An ID is like a class but can be applied only once in a document.

34 ID Selector CSS <html> <head> <style>
# foo {color: red;} </style> </head> <body> <h1 ID=“foo”> css</h1> </body> </html>

35 Difference between Class & ID
We can’t have more than one tag with the same ID value We can apply the same class value to multiple document tags

36 Different methods of CSS

37 Inline Style Applies styles directly to the elements by adding declarations into the style Styles can be assigned to the desired content

38 Inlined Example <body> <p style=“text-align: center;
color: red;”> What was I thinking? </p> </body> What was I thinking?

39 Internal Style Sheet Applies styles to HTML by placing the CSS rules inside the tag <style> inside the document tag <head> Styles can be assigned to whole content of the document

40 Internal Style Sheet <head> <style> { text-align: left;
font-family: verdana; } </style> </head>

41 External Style Sheet Styles can be defined for multiple documents Applies styles as a separate file with a .css extension

42 Introduction

43 External Style Sheet Creation of CSS file: h2{ font-weight: bold;
Border size: 5; color: green } Save the above code with a file name “ gdc.css ”

44 External Style Sheet Example : <html> <head>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=“gdc.css”> </head> <body> </body> </html> Link to a seperate CSS page

45 Advantages of Cascading style sheets (CSS)
CSS saves time Pages load faster Easy maintenance Superior style to HTML Multiple device compatibility Global web standards

46 CSS Div and Span Div (Short for division) divides the content into individual sections. Div is a block level container , meaning that there is a line feed after the </div> tag.

47 CSS Div and Span Example: .edit { color: red;
text-decoration: underline; }

48 CSS Div and Span Example: <div class="edit">
<h4> This is a paragraph </h4> <h5> This is another paragraph </h5> <p> This is a next paragraph </p> </div>

49 CSS Div and Span Output: This is a heading This is another paragraph
This is a next paragraph

50 CSS Div and Span Span is similar to div. The difference is that , we can span to format a single character if needed. There is no line feed after the </span> tag.

51 CSS Div and Span Example:
<p> This is a <span class="edit"> paragraph </span> </p>

52 CSS Div and Span Output: This is a paragraph

53 CSS Layers To create a layer all we need to do is assign the position attribute to our style. The position can be either absolute or relative.

54 CSS Layers The position itself is defined with the top and left properties. Finally, which layer is on top is defined with the z-index attribute.

55 CSS Layers

56 CSS Layers <div style="position:relative; font-size:50px; z-index:1;">LAYER 1 </div> <div style="position:relative; top:-50; left:5; color:red; font-size:80px; z-index:2">LAYER 2</div>

57 CSS Layers

58 CSS Layers <div style="position:relative; font-size:50px; z-index:2;">LAYER 1 </div> <div style="position:relative; top:-50; left:5; color:red; font-size:80px; z-index:1">LAYER 2</div>

59 CSS Layers

60 Conclusion Structure of the CSS Inline, Internal, External Style
What is CSS? Structure of the CSS Inline, Internal, External Style Advantages of Styles

61 Important Questions Define Style? Explain about the Cascading Style Sheets? Write about the different ways of defining style sheets? Describe the purpose of CSS. Also explain its features?

62 References 2. CSS : The Definitive Guide - Eric A.Meyer , 3rd Editon
1. Web programming Building Internet Appliactions – Chris Bates, 2nd Edition 2. CSS : The Definitive Guide - Eric A.Meyer , 3rd Editon 3.


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