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TRB BRT Workshop July 22, 2008 ECTP Project Oversight Grantee Perspective.

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Presentation on theme: "TRB BRT Workshop July 22, 2008 ECTP Project Oversight Grantee Perspective."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRB BRT Workshop July 22, 2008 ECTP Project Oversight Grantee Perspective

2 Project Oversight Risk Assessment FFGA Readiness Technical Capacity Utility Coordination Third Party Impacts

3 Risk Assessment Initial assessment conducted in December 2003 Status when Risk Assessment started –60% plans and estimate completed –Vehicle acquisition ongoing –ROW acquisition just starting –60% value engineering scheduled

4 Risk Assessment Conducted by PMOC with facilitation by specialty consultant. Three two-day workshops over three month period. PMOC Draft Risk Assessment GCRTA Risk Mitiagtion Plan PMOC Risk Assessment Spot Report Six month process

5 Risk Assessment Initial unmitigated results Budget $168.4 million –$169.2 – $179.8 million (10% - 90% range) Schedule Revenue Operations Date December 2007 –June 2008 – May 2009 (10% - 90% range)

6 Risk Mitigation Plan One month to prepare and submit to FTA Focused on top ten cost and top three schedule items Additional mitigating strategies such as revising budget and/or schedule

7 Risk Mitigation Plan Risk Mitigation Plan

8 Risk Mitigation Plan

9 Mitigated Results Budget $168.4 million –$157.2 – $169.0 million (10% - 90% range) Schedule Revenue Operations Sept 2008 –May 2008 – April 2009 (10% - 90% range) 80% Budget and 70% Schedule Probability PMOC issues Final Risk Assessment

10 Risk Mitigation Plan

11 Risk Management Plan GCRTA acknowledges the final finding of the Risk Assessment Commit to adding a Risk Management Plan to our PMP –Included written plan and action register –Focused on top ten cost and top three schedule items Action register updated monthly as part of PMOC visit and report. Used as management tool

12 FFGA Readiness Progress on Risk Management monitored frequently FTA focused on key items –Vehicle Acquisition Contract –Utility Coordination/Agreements –Contractor Interfaces (Number of Contracts/Constructability) –Project Staffing/Technical Capacity

13 Technical Capacity Key focus of FTA Risk assessment showed areas of staff weakness Hired additional in-house staff and added scope for consultant staff Need to have best staff from supporting departments within agency

14 Utility Coordination 21 Private and public utilities in the project limits City of Cleveland does not have a right-of-way ordinance governing utilities Standard agreement with private utilities with work authorizations for specific construction contracts We paid for relocations they paid for betterments

15 Third Party Impacts Cuyahoga County Duct Bank City of Cleveland Utility Coordination Cleveland Clinic Agreement Adjacent Development Coordination

16 TRB BRT Workshop July 22, 2008 ECTP Project Oversight Grantee Perspective

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