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Plants used Fibres Papre -2 unit-1.

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1 Plants used Fibres Papre -2 unit-1

2 Fibers used for cloths and ropes.
More then 2000 plant species are used for the production of fibers. Economically very useful. Six types Textile Fibers – Flex fibers - Linum usitstissimum Jute fibers – Corchorus capsularis Hard fibers - Filling fibers Vegetable fibers

3 2. Flex fibers - Linum usitatissimum
Textile Fibers – Gossypium herbaceum G. arboreum Family – Malvaceae Use for preparation of cloths 2. Flex fibers - Linum usitatissimum Family: Lynaceae Use for net, canvas, rope etc.

4 3. Jute fibers – Corchorus capsularis C. olitorius
Family – Papilionaceae Use for preparation of rope and thin threads for cloths. Other species i.e Abutilon indicum (malvaceae) Cannabis sativa

5 4. Hard fibers Manila Hemp (Musa textilis) used for rayon cloths
Sisal Hemp (Agave sisalana) leaf fibers Coir fibures (Cocos nucifera) used for ropes and threads Bamboos (Bambusa tulds and Dendrocalamus strictnus) used in paper industry.

6 Luffa cylindrica 5. Filling fibers – Bombex cieba Ceiba pentandra
Calotropis procera Fibers from fruits , used for making pillow and Mets etc. 6. Vegetable fibers - Luffa acutangula and Luffa cylindrica Use for preparation of bath spongy also used in jute and paper industry.


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