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North West Regional Science Park (NWRSP) Sarah Kelly – Northern Ireland Science Park.

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1 North West Regional Science Park (NWRSP) Sarah Kelly – Northern Ireland Science Park

2 10 year framework for economic & social renewal – One Plan. Fort George (14 acres / 6 hectares) a former military base. Outline planning permission by December 2012. Location for $50 Million transatlantic telecomms hub (Project Kelvin). Knowledge corridor linking University of Ulster & Letterkenny Institute of Technology. Location for North West Regional Science Park. Prime mixed use development opportunity on a gateway waterfront site. Strategic Location – Derry~Londonderry

3 Mix use residential/ office with commercial on ground floor Knowledge Hub Multi-storey car park Mix used office / Light Industrial Strategic Location at Fort George

4 North West Regional Science Park third generation Science Park at Fort George Derry~Londonderry 50k sq ft (gross) & 20k sq ft (gross) LYIT. submitted for $18m funding to Special EU Programmes Body (European Unions INTERREG IVA programme). Partners: Northern Ireland Science Park Ltd (NISP), Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LYIT) and North West Region Cross Border Group (NWRCBG). Outcome proportionate to NISP success to date circa $4m to $5.7m pa net GDP and circa 300.

5 Impact of a Science Park A Science Park is an economic catalyst to drive the Knowledge Economy (eg Silicon Valley). Growing the Knowledge Economy: 1.Knowledge (Research & IP) 2.Risk Capital (all stages, Angels to IPO) 3.Well coupled business professionals (accountants, lawyers, bankers) 4.Independent Facilitators (the Science Park)

6 Innovation Eco-system Education//networking: Springboard; Frameworks; £25K Awards Enterprise Forum; Frontiers in STEM; IP exchange; Co-Founders US-NI Mentorship programme; Generation-Innovation Investor Readiness//Access to $$££: Entrepreneur In Residence; Springboard; Halo*; VC Forum Independent Research: NI Knowledge Economy Index (the where we are now report) Support to Department of Enterprise Trade & Investment (MATRIX: NIs Science-Industry panel; Technology Strategy Board; EU) Network Enabler: Learned societies (Institute of Physics; Royal Society of Engineering;), Education; Research (Universities and Colleges) *Affiliated – business angel network pro bono programmes

7 Shipyard to Titanic Quarter from dereliction to Knowledge Economy Titanic Belfast Hollywood in Belfast

8 NI Science Park 2003-2012 ECIT Queens University


10 NI Science Park 2012 Outcomes to date Adding $130m+ gross pa GDP by playing host to 2000 staff in 110 companies, 210,000 sq ft; Facilitating circa $16m risk capital pa; Mobilising 1000 business volunteers & 110 Business Angels to help 800 new starts; Refreshing NI companies with ideas; & Showcasing to 100+ School visits & 60,000 visitors pa.

11 Artists impression replicate NISP and capitalise on the nerd gene; increase opportunities to attract local and returning STEM graduates; attract R&D divisions of large corporates; increase interest and investment from the global investment community. NWRSP - Economic Catalyst

12 Knowledge Economy Ambitions Source: Knowledge Economy Index Baseline Report 2011 – Oxford Economics North West Regional Science Park

13 Contact Details Sarah Kelly Northern Ireland Science Park o|+44 (0) 28 9073 7800 c|+44 (0) 7905 33 9508

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