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Learning Target: Develop engaging opening arguments

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1 Learning Target: Develop engaging opening arguments

2 Opening Arguments: Each character will start debate with a 1 minute opening argument (1/2 -1 page written) The goal: 1-“Show” your character 2-Hook the audience 3-State your position 4-Preview reasons

3 Step 1: have a “hook” (2-4 sentences)
Find a quote, startling statistic, question, or anecdote that PULLS your audience in and sets the tone for the debate EXAMPLE: Topic is Syrian Refugee Crisis Quote: “Think of the shining symbol of American ideals: the Statue of Liberty. On this famous statue it says ‘Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath.’ As Horatio, this quote sums up my position…” Statistic: “4.8 million. That is the number of Syrian Refugees. 2,290. That is the number of refugees that have been admitted into the U.S. according to the State Dept. As Ophelia, I find this...

4 “Hook” continued Question: “What is a defining feature of America? What separates us from other countries around the world? It’s our compassion. It is our willingness to accept people of all faiths, religions, and ethnicities. As a world traveler, I Laertes believe that…” Anecdote: “Follow the journey of this young refugee. He escaped war, made it across continents, and crossed borders; all because his country was a shell of its former self and he wanted a fresh start for his family.”

5 Write your hook (5-10 min) Do some quick research and write your “hook” 1-Cite any sources: “According to…” 2-Focus on pathos (emotion) 3-Ask yourself: “Will this draw the audience in?” 4-Ask yourself: “Does this sound like my character?”

6 Step 2: position statement (thesis) 1-3 sentences
Look at the top circle on your “Character Debate Graphic Organizer”. That is your position statement (thesis). Rephrase “My character believes” to “I, [insert character’s name], believe that… because…[justification from play]” EXAMPLE: “I, Hamlet, believe that the U.S. should open its borders to refugees because I too know what it feels like to be a “foreigner” in a new land. When I came back to Denmark, my father was dead and my mother married a new man. I was lost.

7 Step 3: Preview reasons (2-4 sentences)
Look at the 3 circles on your “Character Debate Graphic Organizer” called “Reasons” You want to preview the 3 reasons you will be talking about to support your position. DON’T GIVE ANY EVIDENCE AT THIS POINT. EXAMPLE: “I have 3 reasons to support my position. First, I will talk about …. My second reasons is…. I will wrap up my argument with ….”

8 Step 4: Concluding statement (1-2 sentences)
Forcefully end your opening statement. This can be accomplished by restating your position in a new and interesting way. 1-As your character, make a personal connection to topic and why you care 2-Restate position in a new way EXAMPLE: “We have a responsibility to make all foreigners welcome because I know how lost they can feel. That is why I want you to side with my position: Open the borders for those in need!”

9 All together now...steps 1-4
“Follow the journey of this young refugee. He escaped war, made it across continents, and crossed borders; all because his country was a shell of its former self and he wanted a fresh start for his family. I, Hamlet, believe that the U.S. should open its borders to refugees because I too know what it feels like to be a ‘foreigner’ in a new land. When I came back to Denmark, my father was dead and my mother married a new man. I was lost. I have 3 reasons to support my position. First, I will talk about …. My second reasons is…. I will wrap up my argument with …. We have a responsibility to make all foreigners welcome because I know how lost they can feel. That is why I want you to side with my position: Open the borders for those in need!”

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