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Working with a disability

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1 Working with a disability
Strategies of satisfied employees with a disability Brigitte van Lierop DISWORKS

2 What makes the employee with a disability a satisfied employee?
And what does this mean for those who are working with the employee with a disability?

3 What are the action strategies applied by employees with disabilities in the work situation to counterbalance as much as possible the negative effects of their disabilities on their jobs?

4 A Study 1197 employees with a long lasting disability Employees with 1
Psychological ‘diseases’ 22% Psychiatric ‘diseases’ % Non specific low back pain 34% Traumatic Brain Injury % Hart diseases % Physical ‘diseases’ % Visual impairment % Hearing impairment % Chronic disease 18% Other % 1 more than one ‘disease’

5 Some characteristics of respondents
Level of Educationns Primary Education % Secundary or Higher Education 46% (2% unknown)

6 A model Occupational performance
A person’s meaningful actions and functioning in work, self-care, leisure and other life areas Person Occupation Environment Figuur 2.2: Het Person-Environment-Occupation model

7 The PEO model “Occupational performance” is the result of the interaction between the individual, the environment and the activities. As the circles show more overlap, the balance between the three components will increase, thus implying a positive balance between individual, environment and activity Problems occur when there is a mismatch between the person, the environment and the activities Strategies focussing on the person, the environment and the activities that need to be carried out, restore the balance

8 Level of Satisfaction Average score on a scale of 0 – 10: 7,3 TBI 7,5
Hart diseases 7,5 Physical complaints 7,4 Chronic diseases 7,4 Non specific low back pain 7,3 Other 7,3 Hearing impairment 7,1 Visual impairment 7,0 Psychological ‘diseases’ 6,9 Psychiatric ‘diseases’ 6,9

9 Satisfaction in work and ….
Gender differences: Men 7,3 Women 7,3 Age: Young ,7* Middle ,3 Elder > ,2

10 Characteristics of work and differences between Very Satisfied, Average Satisfied and Dissatisfied Employees Amount of working hours no difference Mentally stressfull work no difference High level of diversity in work Very satisfied employees experience more diversity in work compare to average satisfied employees Average satisfied employees experience more diversity in work compared to unsatisfied employees Physically demanding work Very satisfied employees report less physically demanding work compared to unsatisfied employees

11 Differences between Very Satisfied, Average Satisfied and Dissatisfied Employees
US AS VS Individual problem solving m Acting immediately Being assertive Personal decision making how to solve problems Staying positive and just continue Purposely avoiding specific tasks Personal decision making where to stop Saying No easily Asking easily for support of colleagues Asking easily for support of supervisor

12 Differences between Very Satisfied, Average Satisfied and Dissatisfied Employees
OT GT ZT I receive social support of my colleagues m I receive social support of my supervisor I receive understanding of my colleagues I receive understanding of my supervisor I have a certain amount of freedom in choosing my tasks I have a certain amount of freedom in choosing my working hours

13 Theory into Practice What can I do? What can others do for me?
If I experience problems in my work because of my disabilities? If I cannot meet the requirements of my work because of my disability? To carry out my work adequately, having this disability? To minimise the impact of my disability on my functioning in the work place? What can others do for me?

14 But what makes me feel more satisfied in my work?
I can do a lot But what makes me feel more satisfied in my work?

15 Connection1 between my behavior and my level of satisfaction**
Top seven! I take care of a motivated and optimistic attitude I focus on reaching my working goals I take care of a diversity in tasks I stay positve and try to keep on going I eliminate negative thougts as much as possible I discuss problems I encounter with my supervisor I act immediately 1 Only significante correlations > 0,2

16 Connection 1 between behavior of others towards me and my level of satisfaction**
Top eight! My supervisor understands me My supervisor provides me with social support My work is divers My colleagues and supervisor act flexible towards me I receive a certain amount of freedom in choosing my work tasks My supervisor supports me My colleagues understand me My colleagues provide with social support 1 Only significant correlations > 0,2

17 And… Items related to adaptations in the workplace were of no influence on the level of satisfaction for workers with a disability

18 Explained Variance and satisfaction
33% of the level of satisfaction is determined by: The understanding the employee receives from his supervisor The offer in diversity of the work load The motivated and optimistic attitude of the employee And the fact that the employee is able to attain his working goals

19 A satisfied employee with a disability, is an employee
who experiences the understanding of his supervisor Who has enough diversity in working tasks who is motivated and optimistic who is able to attain his working goals

20 The balance related to the satisfied worker with a disability
The person: Optimistic and Motivated The environment: Understanding of Supervisor Work: Adequate diversity in tasks Work that fits to the employee

21 The balance for a satisfied employee with a disability
De persoon: Optimisch en gemotiveerd Het werk: Voldoende afwisseling Werk binnen mogelijkheden

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