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Title page MasterCard and LBG 13th June 2014

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1 Title page MasterCard and LBG 13th June 2014

2 Title page Mastercard and LBG 13th June 2014
Introduction Introduction We have worked together as a team over the last 4.5 days with colleagues from different areas within LBG and globally from across MasterCard, to address the challenge to: Create a flexible borrowing solution for credit cards That has the potential to transform the UK payments & lending market This is set within the context of 3 key things for LBG: Wanting to meet identified customer needs Growing market share And ensuring our products continue to remain attractive and viable in a changing regulatory environment So what is the problem we are solving for?...

3 The Problem Card customers do not feel they are in control and do not feel they are making progress with paying off their purchases / debt in an affordable, structured way, on their terms We performed extensive customer research in 2012/13: ALL customers told us that having the tools to be in financial control was important Financial control was an emotional as well as a functional need Customers in control of their money felt in control of their life SOME card customers told us specifically (more recently in in depth interviews): They do not feel in control and They do not feel they are making progress with paying off their debt in an affordable structured way, on their terms And so, customers are currently meeting their needs with other, potentially more expensive, products such as: Pay day loans POS finance And may be choosing not to spend because they don’t have the confidence that they can re-pay in an affordable way

4 Don’t use a card to finance larger purchases
Target Customers Don’t use a card to finance larger purchases Find managing a revolving balance complicated Through our deep understanding of customer needs we have identified a range of segments In particular, we have identified 2 sweet spot segments: Those who don’t use a credit card to finance larger purchases Those who find managing a revolving balance complicated So how big is this opportunity?...

5 The Market x £95bn £34bn In considering the market opportunity we looked at the unsecured lending market which includes loans, overdrafts, credit cards and point of sale finance which has a total market size of £95bn However given our focus on the 2 sweet spot customer segments we then reduced this opportunity to determine an addressable market that excluded Transactors paying off their balance in full each month Non digital customers – given our digital focus with this product Customers outside of current credit risk appetite for LBG Therefore we believe that the addressable market opportunity is closer to £34bn Over and above this identified customer need, what else gives us confidence that customers will adopt and use this type of product?...

6 Auchan (France) Spend uplift 150% Average ticket value increase 50%
Other Flexible Borrowing Solutions Auchan (France) Spend uplift 150% Average ticket value increase 50% HSBC cash instalment plan (Hong Kong) So where did we start? We looked at best practices internationally where we have seen examples of similar borrowing solutions in other regulated markets driving spend & ATV which again supports our view that customers will adopt and use this product In particular, we have focused on 2 markets that are most closely aligned to the UK – Auchan (pro. Orshan), a French card issuer & ANZ the second largest retail bank in Australia In the Auchan example – from when customers started using the instalment capability they evidenced: Spend uplift of 150% over a 3 month period ATV increased by 50% These numbers are very encouraging The ANZ offers a flexi loan facility within an existing credit card across tenures of 3,6 & 12 months at attractive preferential rates These are only 2 examples – but there are many examples of card based instalment propositions around the world However, there are none in the UK – giving us a potential first mover advantage ANZ flexi-loan (Australia)

7 A Credit Card with Instalment Capability
The Product A Credit Card with Instalment Capability multiple instalment plans (lower APR) separating day to day spend and instalments choice of monthly payment amount and number of payments managed through an app clear line of sight to paying down pre-purchase affordability calculator post purchase app notification In the past 4.5 days we have designed a credit card product with instalment capability that takes: The best of the current system And adds additional features with the potential to transform the UK market The product works on an existing credit card with: 1 account A single credit card limit Using the current payment system infrastructure This product has some great and unique features, including: Multiple instalment plans (at a preferential APR) Enabling users to separate out day to day spend and instalments Providing a choice of monthly payment amount and number of payments That can be managed through an app With clear line of sight to paying down Together with an easy to use pre-purchase calculator And a post purchase app notification

8 The Proposed Roll-out Digital acquisition only Friends and family / colleagues test Existing customers New Customers Our proposed go to market strategy is not covered in a huge degree of detail due to the time limitations around what we needed to achieve in just one week Our first cut launch roadmap is to roll out digitally to: Friends & family LBG colleagues Followed by existing bank customers We would propose a soft launch/ phased roll out to existing internet banking credit card customers (including dormant customers) using an online trades process with digital signature Next, we would make available to new customers Target Lloyds current account customers who are eligible for a credit card And non-franchise digital acquisition ( etc. and money aggregators) So if we adopt the proposed roll out, what do we think we can achieve in terms of volumes?...

9 First Cut Financials £34bn £2m marketing ATL spend 150k cards p.a.
Returning to the addressable market opportunity of £34bn we know we will not attract all this balance but If we were to spend £2m on above the line advertising We think we could achieve 150k card sales p.a. And build £1bn of balance over the next 5 years which equates to c.3% of the market opportunity This is actually a conservative view compared with what we think the product could achieve but gives as a starting figure to work from However we must also consider the challenges… £1bn balance

10 Commercial Legal Conduct Risk
Key Challenges Commercial Legal Conduct Risk Our biggest commercial challenge is potential cannibalisation of existing higher APR balances Those attracted by value/ low cost would be more likely to take out a 0% offer We believe the bigger opportunity and the focus for the proposition positioning and advertising would be on purchases So why wouldn’t customers just take a 0% offer instead? Some customers are unhappy with the lack of control that these products offer Others may have already moved from 0% to 0% and failed to pay the balance off over time without the control and clear line of sight to pay down Legally, we know that we have a challenge to resolve around allocation of payments if we choose to have differentiated pricing between the regular transactions and the instalment plans, however, we have had initial conversations with the legal team and they are confident that we can find a way to resolve these through how we approach documentation for the product. From a conduct risk perspective, we need to be able to evidence that the customer has been given the right information to help them determine the most appropriate product to meet their needs: We can use lending pathways for acquisition Need to work through process and customer experience for each instalment plan There are issues, but they are not insurmountable…

11 The convenience of paying by card with the control of repaying like a loan
In conclusion… We believe that this product will: Introduce a totally new and compelling offer to the UK market Bringing new features to customers - meeting identified needs & targeting a market gap With the potential to transform LBG’s position in the UK market

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