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My Theme Park Presentation By: ************* American History Thrills of Adventure.

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Presentation on theme: "My Theme Park Presentation By: ************* American History Thrills of Adventure."— Presentation transcript:


2 My Theme Park Presentation By: *************

3 American History Thrills of Adventure

4 The parts of my park include… Around the World (age of exploration) Journey to the West (Westward Expansion) As the U.S. Turns (American Revolution) Split in the Middle (Civil War) New Grounds (Reconstruction)

5 Around the World Journey to the West Split in the Middle As the U.S. Turns New Grounds

6 The first part of my theme park is…

7 Columbus's Wet Expedition This is one of our wet water rides. It can be found in the part of the park named Around The World. This is very notable for how wet you get when you go on this ride. You go through a series of water falls and rapids where you get completely drenched. You are in a log shaped kind of boat that carries you through the water, which is powered by a motor. As you go your boat will be attacked by pirates, and it will also run in to storms and bad weather. This ride fits the Christopher Columbus theory good because he had to travel in a boat in water with no technology. He went through storms and heavy rains and he had to deal with it. He made it through though and he discovered our country. Also this kind of gives you a chance to see what it was like in the waters with out having a nice boat or ship. Christopher Columbus had many men die on his trip and he ran in to many difficulties on his long voyage, so this ride gives you a feel for that.

8 Columbuss Wet Expedition

9 Journey to the New Lands This ride is a popular one amongst the people that we get here. It is located in the Around the world section of the park. This ride is a water ride also that is supposed to be like Christopher Columbuss voyage across the Atlantic. You go in a long rubber raft and go down a series of big hills and big tides and rapids. You go through dark tunnels and go around sharp turns. This is a very good water ride; the most popular at our park. It is also a very good ride to simulate Columbuss voyage. This ride is historic because, it is like Christopher Columbuss voyage across the Atlantic. It has more hills and big rapids than any other water ride which is good because we all know that Columbus went through a lot of rapids and currents that rocked his boat back and forth. And you get very wet, which is good because when Columbus was on his voyage he didnt have anything to cover his decks, he got soaked and so did everything and everyone else on his ship too.

10 Journey to the New Lands

11 The second part of my theme park is…

12 Californias Screaming Gold Rush This ride is also a thriller at the park. You go up the first hill in a tunnel so that you really dont know where the top is. Then all of a sudden you rush down the hill just like all the people did to California in the time of the Gold Rush. And then you go around a few loops and it flips you upside down. And the whole time you are screaming while you go in and out of many different sized tubes and tunnels. This is screamer just like the gold rush was. This is in comparison to the westward expansion gold rush. The reason for this is because how the ride sends you up in a tunnel and then back down in a sudden rush just like the gold rush. Also you go through the ride not knowing where you are going and that is the same with the people that went west during the expansion, because there was not really maps and it was pretty much un discovered territory. So all in all this is really like gold rush.

13 Californias Screaming Gold Rush

14 Lonely Desperado This ride is a wooden coaster that sends you flying across many feet of track. You dont go upside down a lot either. This is a fun ride which is chosen by first time rollercoaster riders. Since it is a wooden rollercoaster it has the theme of being western. Where you go to get in line for the ride is western and it has the look of a big hotel and saloon. It is a fun ride, and it really takes your breath away. This ride is a good ride to compare to the westward expansion because especially the name. The catchy name Lonely Desperado, relates to all of the people that went west during the expansion and the gold rush. This relates because many of the people lost their kids, wives, or husbands, and it left them all alone to travel half way across the country. This is also a western style ride since it looks older because it is wooden and it also has a big hotel and saloon looking building in the front.


16 The third part of my theme park is…

17 The Cannon Ball The cannonball is an ideal ride to put in this part of the park named as the world turns because it fits in with the theme. This ride is a wooden rollercoaster that is very popular amongst the guests at this park. It takes you on a series of ups and downs while you loop around twists and turns. The first hill is the best as it takes you up many feet in the air and then you go up and down another series of hills and spins. It is a head rush for who ever goes on it. This rollercoaster ties in with my theme because during the American Revolution the soldiers used these and muskets to shoot at their enemies. Also during the American Revolution there was many up and downs for America, and there are many ups and downs in the ride. Also I think that the name is the most appealing because it makes you want to go on the ride, because it sounds mysterious.


19 Old Battle Ghost Rider The old battle ghost rider is also known as the nightmare. It is a western kind of ride. The front of it has a western style on it to represent the battles that took place in the west. This ride takes you on a journey up and down and flips you around. You go through many flips and twists and turns and you go sailing through the air. This is a good ride if you are an experienced rollercoaster rider. This is a very good, well known wooden coaster. Many people have seemed to enjoy it and step right back in line when they get off of it. This is an exciting thriller. The reason that this ride is named Old Battle Ghost Rider, is because it is to represent the many men that died during the western battles of the American Revolution. And it represents those men that might still be lurking in the dark somewhere out in the west. This ride is very historic as you can notice on the front of it. The front is styled western with western things and it just has the look of being out west in the dirt and desert. This is a very good ride to go on and it really is what it sounds to be.

20 Old Battle Ghost Rider a.k.a the Nightmare

21 The forth part of my theme park is…

22 Fire in the Hole Fire in the hole is a good wet ride to choose. It is not like most of them. You travel around and get splashed and surprised with many different things. First you go and you walk up to where you give them your ticket and it is all western and kind of southern. Next you wait on a deck until the next boat is free. You travel through the rapids like you are on the Mississippi river, during the civil war. And you get attacked and bombarded with many playful soldiers of both the confederates and union. You also get to hear the sounds of bombs and cannonballs going off in the back round and you hear the sound of men getting fired at by their apposing side. This is a good ride and it has a good name because it fits in with the civil war theme. Fire in the Hole is pretty much what the soldiers had to go through when they were in the Civil War. This ride is also good because you hear the sounds and you see the confederate and union soldiers and you get to see what they looked like in their uniforms. This is also good because during the Civil war the union wanted to get control of the Mississippi river and they really had to fight and trick the Confederates and during the ride you should feel like you are a soldier traveling down the Mississippi river too.

23 Fire in the Hole

24 Runaway Slave Train The runaway slave train is a good ride to go on if you dont like to go on all the loops and spins that regular rollercoaster take you on. Many younger kids and older adults like this ride because it is fun but with out all the head jerking and the stomach dropping hills. During this ride you sit on a train sort of thing that is on the track just like the carts of a rollercoaster. Then you go through turns in canyons and you get to see the woods and the canyons. This is a scenic sort of ride. You can enjoy this ride a lot too. The reason that this ride fits in with history is because it has to do with the slaves. The slaves had to escape from their owners and they would get away any way that they could. And even though the underground railroad wasnt really a railroad, the slaves would still sneak on trains to get away from their owners. And this ride gives you a feel for what the slaves went through during the civil war.

25 Runaway Slave Train

26 The fifth part of my theme park is…

27 Chaos in the South Chaos in the South is a good ride to go on. This is a steel coaster that sends you flying on a lot of loops and turns. Just like the name Chaos this ride gives you chaos in your head when you get off of it because of all the loops, twists, and turns that it takes you on. When you are in line for this ride you should be preparing yourself for total and complete Chaos! This ride has to do with the Reconstruction of the South because when the civil war was over they had a lot of chaos reconstructing the south. It was very hard and many people disagreed with how everything was going and how everything was being pulled together. People were disagreeing everywhere and everything was total Chaos. This was a hard time for our nation to go through but we obviously made it.

28 Chaos

29 The Rebuilding Scream Machine The rebuilding scream machine is a great ride to go on. Since the name that it has, it actually gets rebuilt on the anniversary's. At this time the ride is getting rebuilt so there is no way of knowing how it is going to look and that is why there is no picture. This ride is great because no matter how it is rebuilt it is a good fun ride. It lasts a decent amount of time and it takes you on a wild adventure. This ride is really great no matter how it is built and it always comes together nice. Every time it is rebuilt it gets better and bigger. There are always more turns and loops and the hills are bigger and higher and it lasts longer. This ride is good to put in the category for the reconstruction of the south because its always gets rebuilt just like the south did. This ride is also great because of the name. And when you look at how many changes were put in to the ride every time it gets rebuilt and how much better it gets you can look at the south during the reconstruction time and see that it is mostly the same thing. And there was a lot of work put in to it.


31 Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln walks around in the Split in the Middle section of the park. He walks around because he was a big part of the Civil war and he was the president too. I think that he should be one of the people walking around in the park because many people look up to him and it would also set the mood. Since he was a big part of the civil war and he made a lot of those decisions, I think that it would really set the mood for that section of the park. He is also like an American Idol for some people and it would maybe make them get in to the park and go on the rides more.

32 Christopher Columbus I picked Christopher Columbus to walk around the section Around the World because most of the rides in that section are about him. Many people might enjoy seeing him walking around too. Most little kids that are in first grade know who Christopher Columbus is because they know that he discovered America. And I think that it would be nice for them to see who he really is. It would also be good because he fits in the most in that part of the Park. He is like the star of that part.

33 Henry Clay I picked Henry Clay to be the person to walk around in the part As the U.S. Turns. I chose him because he was a big part of the American Revolution. He was kind of a hero during the revolution. He was always a fighter and war hero. He always fought and gave what ever he was fighting for his all. I think that he deserves to have his character represented in the History Theme Park in the American Revolution section. He was a great fighter and warrior. If anyone he deserves to be in the park as a walk around character. He could share war stories with younger kids and talk to older adults too.


35 Revolutionary Food-Food From the Revolution This is a great place to eat. It is located in the As the U.S. turns part of the park. They serve food that you would find during the revolution. And if you dont like food from way back then, then you can eat food from now. They serve hot dogs, hamburgers, fries, nachos, and almost anything else you would be able to find at a Theme Park or fair and even more. Also just to give you the feel of the Revolution inside of the food stand is like it would have been if you were back in the 1700s. This is a very good choice for some good eats.

36 Wild Wild Spicy West If you have a taste for some spicy hot food go to Wild Wild Spicy West located in the Journey to the West part of the Park. They serve all of your favorites from the time of the Westward expansion and also now. They have tacos, nachos, burritos, and any thing else that you can think of that is hot, spicy, and wild. Give your taste buds a wild wild awakening when you go to the Wild Wild Spicy West and try any of our hot, delicious food. Make sure you get one of our many kinds of drinks to cool your mouth down, and ….ENJOY!

37 Mending the Seams Eatery Mending the Seams Eatery is a great family restaurant that is located in the New Grounds part of the Theme Park. Here you can enjoy many different dishes of food. They have mostly any thing that you could ever want. When you are here you can watch a T.V. with President Abraham Lincoln giving his speech about how the Civil War is over. When you step foot in our restaurant you are stepping foot in the past. Eat food with your family and friends in the Present while sharing jokes and food about the past. Come on in and let us give you the real feel of the Southern Reconstruction.


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