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COR3007: UNC MOD 450B – Monthly revision of erroneous SSP AQs outside the User AQ Review Period Implementation UK Link Committee – May 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "COR3007: UNC MOD 450B – Monthly revision of erroneous SSP AQs outside the User AQ Review Period Implementation UK Link Committee – May 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 COR3007: UNC MOD 450B – Monthly revision of erroneous SSP AQs outside the User AQ Review Period Implementation UK Link Committee – May 2014

2 COR3007 Overview Appeal Window – 1st October to 31st May YY where YY = Appeal Year Ends at UK Link Programme Implementation – replaced by ‘rolling AQ’ Users will receive a ‘quota’ of Appeals they may submit: Each shipper with 1 or more but less than 50 SSP meter points in its customer portfolio on the date when the snapshot is taken by Xoserve will be allocated an allowance equivalent to the number of SSP meter points in that portfolio. Each shipper with equal to or more than 50 SSP meter points in its customer portfolio on the date when the snapshot is taken by Xoserve will be allocated 200 monthly SSP AQ appeals outside of the User AQ Review period. Any residual monthly appeal capacity from the monthly limit of 20k, will be allocated across shippers based on their portfolio share of the SSP market at a defined part of the year.

3 COR3007 Overview Process: Users will utilise existing Appeals process
AQ Spec Calc Appeal Request Nominations Re-confirmation Quota applied at Appeal Request Note: Appeal Request not accepted Appeals

4 COR3007 Overview UK Link Committee UKLC are asked to note that:
Implementation will not be part of a UK Link Release 6 month notice period cannot be provided Proposed notice of 3 months for rejections Implementation date as close to 1st October 2014 as possible Implementation date will not be 1st October

5 COR3007 Overview Implementation date:
As close to 1st October 2014 as practical Implementation date yet to be agreed Impacts to Users: Use of existing processes Nomination required (even for SSP sites) Rejection codes Initial analysis indicates rejection codes required for: - Breach of quota - Outside the window of AQ appeals - Within the tolerance >20% or 4000kWh Further rejections may be identified.

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