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Wilton Eco Park. Wilton Community Land Trust The first local CLT in Wiltshire Formed April 2012 Owned and directed by local people.

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Presentation on theme: "Wilton Eco Park. Wilton Community Land Trust The first local CLT in Wiltshire Formed April 2012 Owned and directed by local people."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wilton Eco Park

2 Wilton Community Land Trust The first local CLT in Wiltshire Formed April 2012 Owned and directed by local people

3 The Localism Bill Aspiration – the Big Society The Localism Bill is the mechanism by which it is achieved. Making your own community self-sufficient and sustainable. Gaining more control about what goes on in your community.

4 Climate Change The global climate is changing The UK is increasingly vulnerable to extreme weather e.g. flooding In 2011 The UK green economy was worth an estimated £122 billion

5 The land… The former Erskine Barracks (MoD)

6 Current MoD Planning Scheme 240,000 sq ft B1 Business space 270 dwellings 180 affordable units Convenience store

7 The plan…. Purchase of the land by Our Enterprise and Wilton Community Land Trust Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Living Usage defined by local people Earned revenue stays in the local area Supports local Community Projects

8 Timeline of a Community Led Development APRILMAY NOV 2011 Originating idea Communication with interested parties Formation of Community Assoc. (WEPDCA) MoD outline Planning Consultation at local, regional and national level 2012 >

9 Timeline of a Community Led Development JAN/FEBMAROCT 2012 1 st Community Meetings Great Green Challenge 1st proposed date of sale of site Formation of WCLT APR Building Organisational Capacity 2nd proposed date of sale of site

10 What does the Community want?

11 Lots of consultation topics…

12 Partners Our Enterprise CIC Sponsoring community led regeneration, e.g. Royal Haslar Provision of high quality community buildings and facilities Profits re-invested into the community This is a completely new way of partnership working

13 Social Impact Ambitions 1. Rehabilitate young veterans by creating housing, infrastructure, training and jobs to meet their needs. 2. Create apprenticeship and skills learning opportunities for young people. 3. Create wealth and assets that stay within the community.

14 Potential Partners Building Research Establishment Housing Associations Local businesses

15 What are the opportunities? Anchor businesses – B1 > B8 Small cluster business units Businesses with green ambitions Care home and medical uses Start-up business space

16 Questions

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