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Topic 1 We’re Preparing for a food festival.

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1 Topic 1 We’re Preparing for a food festival.
Unit 7 Food Festival Topic 1 We’re Preparing for a food festival. Section B

2 western Our classmates are preparing for the Third Food Festival.
--What kind of food are they preparing? --They’re preparing _______________(西方的) food. Do you know what other kinds of western food? western /ˈwestən/

3 fried rice sushi curries black bread pizza beef curry cheese pies
Guess western food! fried rice sushi curries chocolate cookies adj.油炸的 n.寿司 咖喱食品 black bread pizza beef curry cheese pies

4 1c Say the names of food quickly
Where are the foods from?Listen to 1a and match. American B. Indian C. Chinese D. Greek E. Japanese F. Russian G. South African H. Italian cheese pies D curries B pizza H beef curry G chocolate cookies A fried rice C sushi E black bread F

5 Listen and follow

6 1518 VS 1504 Let's have a competitiom between Class 18 and Class 4! Friendship comes before competition !

7 Key points 思考 仔细思考 喜欢吃甜食 西方食物 计划去做某事 另外 筹钱 在...中很流行 think about/of think over have a sweet tooth = like eating sweet food western food plan to do sth. What's more. raise money be popular with/among sb.

8 cookies pies cook rice beef
1b Complete the passage. Jane,Michael,Kangkang and Maria are talking about what they would like to cook for the food _______ .Michael would like to prepare some _______food,such as American chocolate _______ and Greek cheese_____. Jane plans to______Indian curries. Kangkang is sure that Chinese fried _________ and dumplings will be popular and Maria will serve South African ______curry. festival western cookies pies cook rice beef

9 Group work e.g. America----American(s) (n.)...国家人 (adj.)...国家的 (n.)...国家人 (adj.)...国家的 (n.)...国 (n.)...国 China Greece India Italy Japan Chinese Russia South Africa France Europe Germany Russian(s) Greek(s) South Afican(s) Indian(s) French(es) Italian(s) European(s) Japanese German(s)

10 delicious glutinous rice rice-flour noodles with mutton
Love delicious food in our hometown. delicious glutinous rice rice-flour noodles with mutton /ˈflaʊə(r)/ /ˈmʌtn/ /ˊglutənəs/

11 Love delicious food in our hometown , translate them in English

12 Show time Group work: Act it out!

13 New phrases think about, .... +2
Summary New words curry, fried, New phrases think about, New sentence structures I think/guess that

14 1. What would you like_________(cook) for the food festival?
Exercises 1. What would you like_________(cook) for the food festival? 2.--What do you think of American chocolate cookies? --Delicious,I___________________(喜欢甜食). 3.She________(plan)_________(raise) money for Free the children and she succeeded doing it. to cook have a sweet tooth planned to raise

15 Homework 1.口语作业小组做:根据Section A 1a,和Section B 1a 编一个符合实际运用的对话。

16 Thank You!

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