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17th TFMM annual meeting – Utrecht (The Netherlands)

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1 17th TFMM annual meeting – Utrecht (The Netherlands)
Welcome & introduction TFMM co-chairs Augustin Colette & Oksana Tarasova 17th TFMM annual meeting – Utrecht (The Netherlands)

2 Context, expected outcome
Assessment work almost completed CLRTAP Assessment Report WGE Trend Report TFMM Trend Report EMEP Process Mid-Term review of the Long-term Strategy of the Convention Mandates of Centres & Task Forces Ongoing/planned TFMM activities SVOC – Condensable (with EIP) Planning of the Field Campaign (with ACTRIS) HM Case studies (presentation of Poland) Twin Sites (added value, connection with the field campaign) Links with WGE (requires discussion and decision) Role of Quality Assurance (planning of the workshop) NOTES: 1) the question is to what degree were we involved in WGE report? Actually this already highlights the issue that TFMM observations are used to assess the changes in atmospheric levels of pollutants and deposition (theoretically can be linked to emissions /if we understand the controlling processes/ and can not be connected to effects – -> convention have to build more cross-cutting relations). Joint analysis of atmospheric levels and effects would only strengthen the message to policy making 2) Please mention that TFMM never had per say formulated mandate, so it is not to proposed the update, but at least to formulate one. We have to have a look at the mandates of the Centres as well as part of the agenda and require Centres to provide specific services to member coutries rather than to play own games. 3) IF you do not mind I would like to say some words about the GAW strategy concerning research enabling services and why it is important to built around applications (just a couple of slides to drive discussion)

3 Workplan 2016-2017: 1.1 « Improving tools »
# Topic Deliverable Status Trends Report Publication planned 2016/05 Ongoing analysis of Eurodelta-Trends (inc. Coll HTAP) Eurodelta3 intercomparison Peer review articles Report published 2 papers submitted Twin urban/ rural sites Scoping document in 2017 Case studies to be presented at 2016 TFMM meeting (ES, UK, SE, CH) Exposure (modelled and observed) Joint WGE/TFMM Contact group To start in 2016 Condensables Workshop Emissions GL A contact group has been setup Workshop TFEIP May 2016

4 Workplan 2016-2017: 1.2 « Cooperation with parties »
# Topic Expected Status 1.2.1 Quality of EMEP observations Workshop Expected fall (tbc) 1.2.2 POP measurement campaign measurement campaign Confirm interest of SPs at 2016 TFMM 1.2.3 Campaign w/ ACTRIS To be discussed at 2016 TFMM 1.2.4 HM&POP national case studies Report Belarus and Poland foreseen There are some problems with Belarus study. I had a discussion at the EB with MSC-E. They asked me to give a floor to Poland during TFMM. They also started started on urban scale HM modelling. We can bring it up in the context of twin sites as they can serve as a verification tool. Here we have to seek collaboration with EEA (do we have a representative at TFMM?)

5 Agenda of 17th TFMM Meeting
Introduction EMEP Modelling Strategy Presentation by MSC-E National Contributions on HM&POPs Presentation by MSC-W National Contributions on main pollutants (exc. EURODELTA) EMEP Monitoring Strategy Presentation by CCC National Contributions Collaboration with ACTRIS & GAW Field Campaigns Trend Assessment Wrap-up Trend Report EURODELTA & Trend Modelling Conclusions, Mandate, Way forward Wed 18/5 pm Thu 19/5 Fri 20/5

6 Logistics Thursday evening (19:15)
Social dinner: Restaurant Aal, Cellar by the Canal, in the Centre, Oude gracht aan de werf 159. Friday lunch in the botanical garden Courtesy of TNO Mention webmeeting (use microphones)

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