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Physical Science ext Must for Everyone:

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1 Physical Science 2016-2017 615-904-6771 ext . 31667 Must for Everyone:
Expectations: Our objective is to develop higher order thinking skills, while stimulating interest in physical science. Students are expected to be on time, have all necessary materials, and be ready to work. We will have fun but we will work hard. MATERIAL LIST: Must for Everyone: Pens (blue or black) #2 pencils Folder Kleenex Teacher Information Tory Atwood Room 612 ext Tentative Course Outline Semester One: Physics Semester Two: Chemistry Physical Science Grading and Extra Credit: I will be grading using a standards-based system. I want to see mastery on all standards covered in Physical Science. (see additional letter for information) NO extra credit will be given on an individual basis (don’t ask for it), but will be given as a whole class opportunity. Helpful materials on

2 THINGS TO DO: Absent: NEED HELP: ASK!!!!!!!! ICU is available
EVERYDAY: Show respect at all times for yourself, classmates, any visitor, and Ms. Atwood Read the instructions on the board Participate Communicate with classmates Join in on discussions. We want to know your opinion on things. YOU MATTER!! Test Days: Follow instructions on white board Remain silent for the duration of the test (that means when everyone is finished, not just you) Complete any assignment provided on test day Absent: Read the white board on the fume hood for instructions Obtain any worksheets from the absent mailbox for your class period Due dates do NOT change for major projects and tests (special circumstances apply) NEED HELP: ASK!!!!!!!! ICU is available

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