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Presentation Number Title of the paper

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation Number Title of the paper"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation Number Title of the paper Name of Author(s) (underline the presenting author’s name) Affiliation Logo of Institution/ Organization INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH INITIATIVES IN CHEMISTRY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (RICS – 2019) The Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed to be University) Gandhigram ,Dindigul District

2 Outline An outline slide in the beginning will help the audience and judges understand your ‘big picture’ in a better way. Make sure you have the following content in your presentation (you will be given points for these): Introduction Research significance Materials and methods Results and discussion Conclusions

3 Tips for preparing a good presentation
Avoid using power point templates. But, have a uniform visual theme. Keep it simple. It is a technical presentation. Limit text. Provide only graphical information that would support and supplement your talk. Choose professional fonts and styles. Make sure you use a large font size. Use appropriate charts instead of tables to present your data. This would be more visually appealing.

4 Tips for preparing a good presentation
Use high quality images and graphs. Keep in mind that the details should be visible to the audience. Use transitions and animations wherever needed. Make sure the flow of your presentation is logically correct. Decide on how much you wish to explain each section. Remember, you have only 10 minutes to make your entire presentation.

5 All the best

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