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The Functionalist Perspective

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1 The Functionalist Perspective
Education The Functionalist Perspective Aim: To understand the purpose of education in society according to a Functionalist. Draw an image that represents how a Functionalist view society. Find a way to fit The Education System into your picture.

2 Society is made up of “large systems”
Functionalist views Society Interdependent Parts. Shared Culture / Norms What FUNCTION does education form? Structuralist. Society is made up of “large systems” Macro-Sociologist. Emile Duqrkheim

3 Education Useful Functions
Socialise Children into NORMS and VALUES… “VALUE CONSENSUS” Everyone has a role to play! Some more successful than others – Inequality Inevitable… Education – “Social Solidarity” ( Indentify with same group.)

4 What is Education’s role in society? The Hidden Curriculum:
Knowledge to pass exams Learn attitudes and expectations Shapes us from 4 to 16 The Hidden Curriculum: “…things pupils learn through the experience of attending school rather than the stated educational objectives of such institutions…” HARALAMBOS

5 Hidden Curriculum… Master National Language.. Different behaviour..
Reward for hard work..

6 Schools Teach: Adaptation – adapt to work environment.
Goal Attainment – use resources to achieve goals. Integration – encourage people to work together. Latent Pattern Maintenance – Keep improving and changing.

7 Shapes Opinions Education ESSENTIAL to avoid these and achieve SOCIAL SOLIDARITY. (Religion used to serve this function..) Crime Rate Rises = Egoism (people pursue own goals) Suicide Rises = ANOMIE (confusion/lack of shared values).

8 Education Teaches Specialist Skills
We all need skills to bring to the workplace… Specialist Skills Different groups provide different functions for the smooth running of society as a whole… Functionalists advocate VOCATIONAL TRAINING…

9 Talcott Parsons “Education acts as a bridge between home and work..”

10 Criticisms of Functionalist View
Teaches values of ‘ruling class’ NOT society. History is ETHNOCENTRIC – focuses on own society. Groups underachieve – (gender, ethnic, class) Not enough links with WORK – subjects too theoretical.

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