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Day 3, 8.25.2017 Studio E.Lyon.

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Presentation on theme: "Day 3, 8.25.2017 Studio E.Lyon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 3, Studio E.Lyon

2 Project #2 Pick up: A piece of drawing paper
A sheet protector(the clear thing) A vista marker Pencil Packet

3 Step #1 How to cheat in art
Everyone needs: Clear paper vis-à-vis Marker And a partner! Trace your hand(keep the paper and your hand in the same position) Then trace the clear paper onto white paper, using the window as your light table(you might want to tape the paper together)

4 Shade your Hand On the white paper, shade your hand
Try to have five different tones Quick shading demo. Hint: make the same hand shape, take a picture of your hand with your phone, change the image to black and white and then you can see the different tones of grey

5 Next class Pick up your hand – the clear one and the paper one your shaded Grab a piece of white gessoed cardboard Trace your clear hand on the gessoed cardboard Try to make an interesting pattern If you would like to make other hand shapes you can

6 Studio Pick up your hand out of the crate for your class period, on the cart Pick out a piece of cardboard with gesso on it Thanks for being ready! Reminders: Studio class is a 4.5 weighted GPA class, just like an honors class! Pay your art fee of $15- to the school accountant by the front office, bring the receipt back to me or a picture of it Face Painting – sadly another group did that at the football game so I will chat with them and see if we can do face painting at the next football game

7 Cut out your hand shape Trace the shape of your hand multiple times to create patterns and shapes in your background on the white gessoed piece of cardboard Glue your hand to the board

8 Add depth Shade the hand using the pencils Cut out shapes or lines in the background to create texture

9 Next Class Wednesday Name mandala
We will be working with acrylic paints

10 Advisory 8.29.2017 Do Now(Bell Work)
Pick up school photos at the door on your way in Take a photo of your ID so you can still get into games if you forgot it! Up Next: Review attendance policies so that we don’t earn Us

11 Attendance, WHY? School attendance is vital to learning.  Research shows missing just 10% of school negatively affects a student's learning and achievement.

12 Prizes!  We celebrate good attendance!  There will be drawings for prizes, special luncheons, and other surprises.

13 Us  4 unexcused absences or 4 tardies = U, or a combination of 4 unexcused absences and tardies.

14 $20- or 3 hours U's must be made up for a student walk at Graduation and receive his/her diploma.  U's have to be paid off ($20) or worked off (3 hours community service).

15 Tardies If a student is under 5 minutes tardy, go directly to class.  Teachers will mark these tardies with a "T."  

16 More than 5 min. late If a student is more than 5 minutes tardy, the student must check in with the closest secretary.  The student will receive a tardy and 1 after-school detention.  These tardies are marked with an "O."  The secretaries will give the students a tardy slip and send them to class.  Students give the slip to the teachers.

17 Unexcused absences Unexcused absences may also result in detentions, parent meetings, and further consequences.

18 Excused Absent Process
If a student is absent for a dr. appt. or sick, please turn in a note to your secretary or have a parent call a secretary within 3 days to have these absences excused.  Excused absence do not count towards an "U."

19 AP Day 3 of 19 Day Project Work on your day 3 for your 19 day project, if you are a head, keep going and stay ahead If you are behind, let’s chat about ways to speed up You do have a four day weekend coming up to get caught up Reminders: AP is a 5.0 scale for your GPA and Honors classes are a 4.5

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