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Unit 4: Energy Forms and Functions

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1 Unit 4: Energy Forms and Functions

2 1. What is energy. A. Moving from one place to another B
1. What is energy? A. Moving from one place to another B. The ability to do work C. a push or pull D. a device used to make doing something easier

3 2. A mother is pushing her child in a shopping cart at the store
2. A mother is pushing her child in a shopping cart at the store. This best represents which form of energy? A. mechanical B. thermal c. electrical D. sound

4 3. When you use the stove to boil water for dinner, which form of energy heats up the water? A. light b. thermal c. mechanical D. sound

5 4. Which of the following shows a circuit that will not work?

6 5. Light travels at a high rate of speed
5. Light travels at a high rate of speed. What happens when it travels through different mediums? A. reflection b. refraction c. light slows down d. both b and c

7 6. Reflection can be described by all of the following except: a
6. Reflection can be described by all of the following except: a. light traveling through a medium b. light bouncing off a medium c. seeing yourself In a mirror d. the light of the moon

8 7. When light travels through a prism, what causes a rainbow to appear out the opposite side? A. the light illuminates a rainbow already on the wall b. reflection of the light at different rates of speed causing the colors of the light to spread out c. refraction of the light at different rates of speed causing the colors of the light to spread out D. water on the prism

9 8. Name the next color in order of the visible light spectrum
8. Name the next color in order of the visible light spectrum. Red, orange, yellow, … a. Blue b. violet c. green d. indigo

10 9. Which of the following properties of light does this diagram depict
9. Which of the following properties of light does this diagram depict? A. reflection b. refraction c. visible light spectrum d. speed of light

11 10. Which form of energy allows you to watch tv. a. Light b
10. Which form of energy allows you to watch tv? a. Light b. electrical c. sound d. all of the above

12 11. Which of the following carries electricity. a. Open switches b
11. Which of the following carries electricity? a. Open switches b. electricians c. closed circuit d. none of the above

13 12. Why does the entire strand of lights go out when only one light is removed from the strand of christmas lights? A. it causes an open circuit b. it causes a closed circuit c. it causes all the lights to break d. it causes refraction

14 13. Mechanical energy refers to--- a. The energy of machines b
13. Mechanical energy refers to--- a. The energy of machines b. the energy of motion only c. the energy of position only d. the energy of motion or position

15 14. Why do cars without tinted windows get very hot during the summer
14. Why do cars without tinted windows get very hot during the summer? A. the sunlight gets trapped in the window glass b. the sunlight is absorbed in the window glass c. the sunlight is reflected from the window glass d. the sunlight passes through the window glass into the car

16 15. Which best describes a parallel circuit. a
15. Which best describes a parallel circuit? a. Electricity flows along one pathway b. the flow of electricity comes from one source c. electricity flows along more than one pathway d. the flow of electricity comes from more that one source.

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