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QUANTIA Immunoglobulin E 6K42-40 US only launch: June 2010 REF Not for customer distribution For information only unless accompanied by the Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. c8000 Project Notebook, version 1
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Agenda Launch Strategy Assay Disk Information Clinical Utility Reaction Methodology Sample Handling Reagent Handling Calibration Quality Control Performance Data Interference Precision Method Comparison Product Summary Q&A Not for customer distribution For information only unless accompanied by the Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. c8000 Project Notebook, , version 1
QUANTIA Immunoglobulin E Launch Strategy
The QUANTIA assays are available for use on the AEROSET and ARCHITECT cSystems. Assay will be available in the US only. Latin America and Canada are considered ex-US for this product. There are no differences in the application or formulation between the U.S. and non-US products. Complaint handling: Abbott has responsibility for initial complaint registration. BioKit (the vendor) will investigate Level II complaints. Not for customer distribution For information only unless accompanied by the Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. c8000 Project Notebook, , version 1
Assay Disk Information
Immunoglobulin E parameters (IgE, Assay number 2908) are available on the following recently released ARCHITECT cSystems assay disks. Not for customer distribution For information only unless accompanied by the Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. c8000 Project Notebook, , version 1
Assay Disk Information
There will be no AEROSET assay disk available. Assay configuration is provided in the assay specific application sheets. Not for customer distribution For information only unless accompanied by the Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. c8000 Project Notebook, , version 1
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Clinical Utility The QUANTIA Immunoglobulin E (IgE) immunoassay is intended for the quantitative determination of immunoglobulin E in human serum or plasma on the ARCHITECT cSystems (i.e. c4000, c8000, and c16000) and the AEROSET System. The assay is intended for use in clinical laboratories. The measurement of IgE is useful in the clinical diagnosis of IgE-mediated allergies. IgE antibodies are allergic, homocytotropic, anaphylactic, reaginic, atopic, and skin-sensitizing antibodies. Source(s): Quantia IgE 6K42 Package Insert, FBR Not for customer distribution For information only unless accompanied by the Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. c8000 Project Notebook, , version 1
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Clinical Utility IgE antibodies are the chief immunoglobulin responsible for immediate hypersensitivity reactions in humans. There is a certain correlation between chronic allergen exposure and the level of total IgE. Verification of diagnosis can only be performed by appropriate in vitro and in vivo diagnostic tests. The measurement of IgE is indicated in diagnosing allergies, extended investigation of allergies, illnesses associated with eosinophilia or fever of unknown origin, congenital immunodeficiency syndromes and acquired immunodeficiency syndromes. Source(s): Quantia IgE 6K42 Package Insert, FBR Not for customer distribution For information only unless accompanied by the Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. c8000 Project Notebook, , version 1
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Clinical Utility Increased IgE levels are associated with: IgE myeloma Atopic dermatitis Bronchial asthma Hyper-IgE syndrome Hay fever Decreased IgE levels are associated with: Hypogammaglobulinemia Hypersensitivity Some progressive neoplastic diseases Source(s): Quantia IgE 6K42 Package Insert, FBR Not for customer distribution For information only unless accompanied by the Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. c8000 Project Notebook, , version 1
QUANTIA IgE Reaction Methodology
Step 2: Reagent 2 containing latex particles coated with mouse anti-human IgE is added to the sample/Reagent 1 mix Step 1: Sample containing IgE is added to Reagent 1 (Reaction Buffer) Sample/ Reagent 1 Reagent 2 ↑ IgE ↑ IgE Specific Antibody ↑ Latex <200nm Diameter Step 3: When sample containing IgE is added to R1 and mixed with the antibody in R2 insoluble aggregates form. The degree of agglutination is directly proportional to the concentration of IgE in the sample. This is determined by measuring the decrease of transmitted light caused by the aggregates at a wavelength of 572. Not for customer distribution For information only unless accompanied by the Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. c8000 Project Notebook, , version 1
QUANTIA IgE Methodology
Turbidimetric/Immunoturbidimetric Available in the CAP Diagnostic Immunology Survey (IG/IGX series) Contact CAP for the current coding. Not for customer distribution For information only unless accompanied by the Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. c8000 Project Notebook, , version 1
QUANTIA Immunoglobulin E Sample Handling
Specimen Requirements: Serum Gel separator tubes have not been tested. There is no specification for tube type (glass or plastic) Use fresh serum collected by standard venipuncture techniques. Plasma Gel separator tubes have not been tested Acceptable anticoagulants Sodium EDTA Potassium EDTA Sodium Heparin Lithium Heparin Citrate Not for customer distribution For information only unless accompanied by the Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. c8000 Project Notebook, , version 1
QUANTIA Immunoglobulin E Sample Handling
Serum or Plasma only Analyze fresh specimens if possible Sample Volume = 3.5 L Specimen storage: Repeated freeze/thaw cycles should be avoided to minimize potential protein degradation. Stored specimens must be inspected for particulates. If present, mix and centrifuge to remove particulates prior to testing. Temperature Maximum Storage Serum/Plasma 20 to 25°C 2 to 8°C -20°C 7 days 6 months Not for customer distribution For information only unless accompanied by the Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. c8000 Project Notebook, , version 1
QUANTIA Immunoglobulin E Reagent Handling
Reagent Kit Configuration Estimated calculation is based on the minimum reagent fill volume per kit. Reagent is liquid, ready-to-use, 2 reagent kit Storage 2 to 8°C. Unopened kit stable to expiration date Remove any air bubbles, if present, with an applicator stick Reagent onboard stability – 20 days (480 hours) REF 6K42-40 Kit Configuration R1 2 x 13 mL R2 2 x 7 mL 138 tests/kit Not for customer distribution For information only unless accompanied by the Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. c8000 Project Notebook, , version 1
QUANTIA Immunoglobulin E Calibration
Calibration is stable for 30 days (720 hours) and is required with each change in reagent lot number. Use the QUANTIA IgE Calibrator K50-02 Calibration: The assay must be calibrated using a full calibration (6 point calibration) procedure by using a water blank and the five levels of QUANTIA IgE Calibrator. REF Name Size IgE Calibrator 1 1 x 1 mL IgE Calibrator 2 IgE Calibrator 3 IgE Calibrator 4 IgE Calibrator 5 Not for customer distribution For information only unless accompanied by the Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. c8000 Project Notebook, , version 1
QUANTIA Immunoglobulin E Calibration
Do not freeze calibrators. The calibrators are prepared with purified human IgE in a Hepes buffer. Calibrator values are determined over multiple runs against Calibrator House Standards which are traceable to the 2nd WHO International Reference Preparation of Human Serum Immunoglobulin E (IgE) code 75/502. The concentration of the calibrators are indicated on the vial labels in IU/mL. Calibrators are liquid ready to use and stable until the expiration date indicated on the package when stored at 2-8 °C. Not for customer distribution For information only unless accompanied by the Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. c8000 Project Notebook, , version 1
QUANTIA Immunoglobulin E Calibration Curve – ARCHITECT cSystems
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QUANTIA Immunoglobulin E Calibration Curve - AEROSET
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QUANTIA Immunoglobulin E Quality Control
Uses the QUANTIA Ferritin/Myoglobin/IgE Control K56-21 QUANTIA Ferritin/Myoglobin/IgE Control contains: This is the only control approved for use with this assay. REF Control Product Name Configuration Control I Low Level (lyophilized) 1 x 3 mL Control II High Level (lyophilized) Not for customer distribution For information only unless accompanied by the Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. c8000 Project Notebook, , version 1
QUANTIA Immunoglobulin E Quality Control
Do not freeze controls. The controls are prepared from human sera containing ferritin, myoglobin, and IgE. The control concentrations are indicated on the corresponding control value sheet. The lyophilized control should be reconstituted with 3.0 mL of deionized water or equivalent. The lyophilized controls are stable until the expiration date on the label if stored at 2-8 °C. Once reconstituted, the controls can be used for 15 days if stored between 2-8 °C. Not for customer distribution For information only unless accompanied by the Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. c8000 Project Notebook, , version 1
QUANTIA Immunoglobulin E Performance Data
Serum and Plasma Reportable Range: 25.0 to IU/mL 25.0 to IU/mL using the on-board dilution protocol Limit of Quantitation (LOQ) = 25.0 IU/mL LOQ represents the lowest measurable concentration at which the within-run CV < 20% and the recovery is within +/- 20% of expected value. Limit of Detection (LOD) = 12.9 IU/mL LOD is defined as the mean concentration of an analyte-free sample + 2SD, where SD is the within-run standard deviation. Not for customer distribution For information only unless accompanied by the Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. c8000 Project Notebook, , version 1
QUANTIA Immunoglobulin E Performance Data
Expected Values: In clinically healthy subjects the serum IgE levels exhibit a wide distribution range and do not follow a normal distribution. Age related concentrations must be taken into account when interpreting IgE values in children. IgE does not cross the placental barrier so IgE is not detectable in neonates. The IgE concentration increases during the first year of life, reaching a peak at years and dropping subsequently in adults. Reported Expected Range (varies with age and sex): 1 - 5 yrs < 60 IU/mL 6 - 9 yrs < 90 IU/mL 10 – 15 yrs < 200 IU/mL Adults < 100 IU/mL Source(s): Quantia IgE 6K42 Package Insert Ringel KP, Dati F, Buchholz, E. IgE- Normalwerte bei Kindern. Laboratoriumsblätter 32, 26-34, 1982 Dati F, Ringel KP, Reference values for serum IgE in healthy non-atopic children and adults, Clin Chem 1982; 7:1556 Not for customer distribution For information only unless accompanied by the Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. c8000 Project Notebook, , version 1
QUANTIA Immunoglobulin E Performance Data
Reported Expected Range: 1 - 5 yrs < 60 IU/mL 6 - 9 yrs < 90 IU/mL 10 – 15 yrs < 200 IU/mL Adults < 100 IU/mL Note the expected range starts at age 1 year. This method should not be used for testing children less than the age of 1 year. Reason(s): Patients younger than 1 year typically have results lower than this method’s Limit of Quantitation- LOQ (25 IU/mL). Results lower than LOQ will have too much imprecision for clinical use. Not for customer distribution For information only unless accompanied by the Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. c8000 Project Notebook, , version 1
QUANTIA Immunoglobulin E Interference
Interference studies were conducted using an acceptance criteria of +/- 5% deviation from the target value except for Rheumatoid Factor which uses +/- 10%: Interfering Substance Interferent Concentration Target (IU/mL) Observed (% of Target) Lipemia (chyle)* 2.38 AU/cm at 660 nm 91.0 99.8 Lipemia (triglycerides) 1327 mg/dL (14.99 mmol/L) 82.4 101.1 Bilirubin 20.8 mg/dL (355µmol/L) 87.3 97.3 Hemoglobin 480 mg/dL (4.8 g/L) 88.4 97.4 **Rheumatoid factor 80 IU/mL (80,000 U/L) 160 IU/mL (160,000 U/L) 44.1 107.7 121.3 *Solution manufactured to mimic chyle, which is a milky fluid consisting of lymph and emulsified fat extracted from chyme by the lacteals during digestion. **Claim of RF interference less than 10% up to 138 IU/mL interpolated mathematically from 10 spiked interferent levels. 2 of the levels around the claim are shown here. Not for customer distribution For information only unless accompanied by the Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. c8000 Project Notebook, , version 1
QUANTIA Immunoglobulin E Precision
Representative data from precision study are summarized below. See Q&A Slide 27 for control levels used. The precision acceptance criteria for the IgE assay is < 15% Total CV for the Level 1 Control and < 6% Total CV for the Level 2 and 3 Controls Representative Data LEVEL N Concentration Mean (IU/mL) CV (%) Within Run Total Control Level 1 50 46.3 13.8 14.5 Control Level 2 228.3 2.9 3.4 Control Level 3 414.6 2.1 2.4 Not for customer distribution For information only unless accompanied by the Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. c8000 Project Notebook, , version 1
QUANTIA Immunoglobulin E Method Comparison
Serum results from the IgE assay on an ARCHITECT c System were compared with the results on the AEROSET system. Serum results from the Quantia IgE assay on an AEROSET system were compared with results from the UNI -CAP® 100 (Pharmacia)Total IgE fluoroenzymeimmunoassay method. ARCHITECT cSystem vs. AEROSET AEROSET vs. Comparative Method N 67 101 Y – Intercept -7.1 -17.4 Correlation Coefficient 0.9965 0.9750 Slope 1.007 0.965 Range (mg/dL) 10 – 2269 Not for customer distribution For information only unless accompanied by the Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. c8000 Project Notebook, , version 1
QUANTIA Immunoglobulin E Product Summary
Sample Volume: 3.5 L Acceptable specimen: Serum, plasma Assay Stability: Onboard stability = 20 days Calibration stability = 30 days Precision: < 15% Total CV for Level 1 Control < 6% Total CV for Level 2 and 3 Controls Reportable Range: 25.0 to IU/mL LOQ: 25.0 IU/mL LOD: 12.9 IU/mL Assay Method: Turbidimetric / Immunoturbidimetric Reagent LN: K42-40 Reaction Mode: End-Up Calibration: Spline QUANTIA IgE Calibrator 6K50-02 cSystems Reagent Volumes: R1 Reagent: 140 L R2 Reagent: 70 L (Type 2) AEROSET Reagent Volumes: R2 Reagent: 70 L (Type 0) Water: 10 L REF REF Not for customer distribution For information only unless accompanied by the Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. c8000 Project Notebook, , version 1
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Q&A There are only 2 levels of Quantia controls, what sample was used for the 3rd level in precision testing? A 1:1 mixture of Level 1 and Level 2 was used to create a third level for this testing. END OF DOCUMENT Not for customer distribution For information only unless accompanied by the Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. c8000 Project Notebook, , version 1
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