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Invasive Species Presentation

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1 Invasive Species Presentation
Mathurin and Owen Periods 1/2


3 Eurasion Boar – in NY *Native to Europe and Asia
*Highly adaptive and destructive species that damage habitat and crops *Threatens native wildlife and domestic livestock *Call local DEC and they will handle the rest *Brought over as domestic livestock from European explorers

4 Sirex Woodwasp – in NY *Native to Europe
*Damages pine trees by fungus let out by laying eggs *Capture the woodwasp, take a photo and show it DEC *They attack only trees and aren’t harmful *Came over in pine trees from Europe

5 Emerald Ash Borer – in NY
*Came from Asia *Infests and kills North American ash trees *Threatens to kill 8.7B trees in North America *Collect one and send it to DEC *Arrived by wood material in cargo ships

6 Asian Longhorned Beetle – in NY
*Native to China and Korea *Kills various hardwoods including maple, birch, elm, ash, popular, horsechestnut, and willow *Puts maple trees in danger *Take pictures, note location, contact DEC *Came on solid wood packaging crates

7 Gypsy Moth – in NY *Came from France
*Feeds on leaves from oak, apple, and aspen to name a few *Can be controlled by squishing them and getting them off trees *Brought here by a traveler breeding a better silkworm *Eats tremendous amounts of leaves

8 Chinese Mitten Crab – only in Hudson River
*Came from Eastern Asia *Aggressive animals and harmful *Taking over blue crab population *Arrived from live release and ship ballast water *Do not release back into water once caught

9 Spiny Waterflea – in the Great lakes and NY streams
*Came from Europe and Asia *Dangerous to freshwater native fish, such as perch *No known control method *Arrived through ballast water from contaminated ships *Eat zooplankton, which fish need to eat

10 Zebra Mussel – in NY *Native to Black and Caspian Sea
*Arrived through ballast water from ships *Threat to fish and plankton population *Very sharp shells – can cut skin easily *Inspect boat for any mud, plants, and animals because zebra mussels attach for a ride

11 Asian Carp – all over North America
*Native to Eastern Russia and China *Brought over as food for travelers *Dangerous to native fish populations because they eat the fish’s eggs *Catch and kill as many as you can *They also eat plankton that is the fish’s food source

12 Burmese Python – all of southern US
*Native to Southern Asia *Brought over as pets *Very few predators – wipe out almost everything *Popular in everglades eating many species of animals *Report the sighting and prevent more from coming in


14 He’s back

15 Cane Toad – in warm US climates
*Native to Northern South America and Mexico *Brought over to control crop pests *Dangerous to native animal – has toxic ooze that kills animals when ingested *Cane toads kill whatever attempts to kill them *Have toad busts, aka going out on a hike and killing as many as possible

16 European Starling – all over North America
*Native to Europe and Northern Africa *Came here to destroy pests *Large flocks feed on farm grains and seeds hurt farm’s productions *Take over native birds nests and eat their eggs *No known way to control these birds

17 European Rabbit – all over North America
*Native to Southern Europe and North Africa *Brought over as new source of food *Eat tons of native plant species *Cause soil erosion, as well as compete for food and shelter with native species *Trapping and shooting the rabbits can control them

18 Brown Marmorated Stink Bug – Northeasten US
*Native to Eastern Asia, China and Japan *Spread by vehicles and planes *Protect your home, other than that some pesticides are resistant and that’s it *Damage some fruit trees *Spreads really fast with high reproductive rate

19 Kudzu – Southeast US *Native to Asia and some Pacific Islands
*Brought over as a ornamental and forage crop plant *Repeatedly apply herbicides – takes years to fully kill the kudzu *Pollutes dirt and releases emissions *Hogs sunlight from native species as well as smothering them and taking over all the space

20 Snakehead Fish – Eastcoast freshwater
*Native to southern and eastern Asia *Arrived and were sold in pet stores near major cities, then released *Long-term is unknown but they eat other native fish and eat their food *Feed on fish’s fry *Kill it, put it on ice, and then contact your Dept. Nat. Resources

21 Tree Octopus – native to plastic factory

22 The End

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