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Based on collaboration with Y. Kitazawa (KEK, SOKENDAI)

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Presentation on theme: "Based on collaboration with Y. Kitazawa (KEK, SOKENDAI)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Based on collaboration with Y. Kitazawa (KEK, SOKENDAI)
Supersymmetric Yang-Mills on S3 in Plane-Wave Matrix Model at Finite Temperature K. Matsumoto (KEK) Based on collaboration with Y. Kitazawa (KEK, SOKENDAI) YITP workshop on “Development of Quantum Field Theory and String Theory” 28 Jul ~ 1 Aug YITP

2 Introduction We want to understand the phenomena including the gravity at quantum level completely Matrix models are strong candidates for the non-perturbative formulation of the superstring theory or M-theory IKKT matrix model [Ishibashi-Kawai-Kitazawa-Tsuchiya (1997)] BFSS matrix model   [Banks-Fischler-Shenker-Susskind (1997)] However, matrix models were originally constructed on flat spaces We have the problem that it is unclear how curved spaces are described in matrix models K. Matsumoto

3 There are interesting construction of curved spaces by matrix models
Any d-dimensional manifold can be described in terms of d covariant derivatives acting on an infinite-dimensional space [Hanada-Kawai-Kimura (2005)] The curved space can be realized by a generalized compactification procedure in the S1 direction [Ishiki-Shimasaki-Takayama-Tsuchiya (2006)] ISTT showed that the relationships between super-Yang-Mills theories on curved spaces and matrix model K. Matsumoto

4 We have investigated the relationship between
Relationship between a large N gauge theories on flat spaces and matrix models Large N reduced model [Eguchi-Kawai (1982)] Quenched reduced model [Bhanot-Heller-Neuberger (1982), Das-Wadia (1982), Gross-Kitazawa (1982), Parisi (1982)] Twisted reduced model [Gonzalez-Arroyo-Okawa (1983)] We have investigated the relationship between the super-Yang-Mills on S3 and the plane-wave matrix model at finite temperature K. Matsumoto

5 Table of contents Introduction
Super-Yang-Mills on curved spaces in plane-wave matrix model Super-Yang-Mills on S1×S3 and plane-wave matrix model Effective action of plane-wave matrix model Summary K. Matsumoto

6 Super-Yang-Mills on curved spaces in plane-wave matrix model
[Ishiki-Shimasaki-Takayama-Tsuchiya (2006)] Relationships between super-Yang-Mills theories on curved spaces and the plane-wave matrix model in the large N limit N=4 super-Yang-Mills on R×S3 Dimensional reduction Large N N=4 super Yang-Mills on R×S2 Dimensional reduction Large N Plane-wave matrix model K. Matsumoto

7 S3 configuration is constructed by 3 matrices
: Spin representation of SU(2) K. Matsumoto

8 S3 configuration is constructed by 3 matrices
: Spin representation of SU(2) K. Matsumoto

9 S3 configuration is constructed by 3 matrices
: Spin representation of SU(2) In order to make the connection between the super-Yang-Mills on S3 and the plane-wave matrix model K. Matsumoto

10 Super-Yang-Mills on S1×S3 and plane-wave matrix model
We derive the super-Yang-Mills theory on S1×S3 from the plane-wave matrix model by taking a large N limit : Temperature : Radius of S3 The action of the plane-wave matrix model : Bosonic : Fermionic N × N Hermitian matrices K. Matsumoto

11 Let us consider a large N limit
For example: where the metric tensor on S3 is obtained by the Killing vectors We can obtain the action of super-Yang-Mills theory on S1×S3 K. Matsumoto

12 Effective action of plane-wave matrix model
We calculate the effective action of the plane-wave matrix model at finite temperature up to two-loop Background field method Backgrounds Quantum fluctuations K. Matsumoto

13 We provide fuzzy spheres as S3 configuration
: Spin representation of SU(2) Cutoff for matrices size of : Cutoff for the number of fuzzy spheres: We set the magnitude relation for two cutoff scales K. Matsumoto

14 For example, we consider the leading terms of the one-loop
effective action In analogy with the large N reduced model on flat spaces K. Matsumoto

15 For example, we consider the leading terms of the one-loop
effective action We divide the sums over because the effective action for the plane- wave matrix model is consistent with it for the large N reduced model of the super-Yang-Mills on S3 K. Matsumoto

16 We consider the following cutoff scale region
We approximate sums over by integrals over We take the following high temperature limit K. Matsumoto

17 the super-Yang-Mills on S3
We summarize the effective action of the plane-wave matrix model at finite temperature up to the two-loop level One-loop Two-loop One-loop where we divided the effective action by the volume of S3 The two-loop effective action which we obtained is consistent with times the free energy density of the super-Yang-Mills on S3 K. Matsumoto

18 Summary We have derived the action of the super-Yang-Mills on S3 from it of the plane-wave matrix model by taking the large N limit We have derived the free energy of the super-Yang-Mills on S3 from the effective action of the plane-wave matrix model up to the two-loop level Our results serve as a non-trivial check that the plane-wave matrix model is consistent with the large N reduced model of the super-Yang-Mills on S3 K. Matsumoto

19 Appendix Two-loop effective action
Feynman diagrams of two-loop corrections K. Matsumoto

20 Relationship of coupling constants
K. Matsumoto

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