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S(tability), D(ivertor, plasma wall interaction)

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1 S(tability), D(ivertor, plasma wall interaction)
21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference- Summary Session S(tability), D(ivertor, plasma wall interaction) and W(aves and fast particles) Hartmut Zohm MPI für Plasmaphysik, EURATOM Association 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Chengdu, China, October 21, 2006

2 Some statistics… Session D(ivertor, plasma wall interaction and SOL): 39 papers Retention of H, D, T and gas balance: 10 papers Bursty SOL transport (including ELMs): 9 papers Alternative wall materials (W, liquid-Li) + coatings: 6 papers Wall material erosion, deposition, migration: 4 papers Divertor physics (detachment): 4 papers Miscellaneous: 6 papers Session W(aves and energetic particles): 26 papers MHD + fast particles (AEs, NTMs) and their effect on H&CD: 10 papers ‚classical‘ H&CD (ICRH, LHCD) in tokamaks (mostly CD!): 9 papers new schemes for concepts (EBW, solenoid free start-up in STs): 7 papers

3 Some statistics… (continued)
Session S(tability): 27 papers Resistive Wall Modes (including RFPs): 7 papers NTM / sawtooth control by ECCD (no more NTM physics!): 6 papers Disruption characteristaion and mitigation: 4 papers ELMs (partial overlap with bursty transport): 4 papers Miscellaneous (including dust): 6 papers

4 Take this as the community‘s assessment
of what the high priority issues are: Session D(ivertor, plasma wall interaction and SOL) retention of H, D, T may be a showstopper to fusion reactors bursty SOL transport gives new fundamental insight Session W(aves and energetic particles) fast particle physics will be a main theme for ITER CD is urgently needed for improving tokamak performance Session S(tability) NTMs pose the limit to conventional scenarios RWMs set the ultimate limit to NTM-free scenarii ELMs could be a serious threat to fusion reactor divertors Well aligned with ITER high priority research items (!) Significant contributions also from non-tokamak devices

5 Session D(ivertor physics, Plasma Wall Interactions
21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference- Summary Session Session D(ivertor physics, Plasma Wall Interactions and SOL Physics)

6 Session D: Bursty SOL transport
MAST L-mode MAST ELM Overwhelming evidence for bursty structure in SOL during L-mode, H-mode and ELMs (AUG, C-Mod, DIIID, JET, JT-60U, LHD, MAST….) first attempts of nonlinear ELM models emerge (filaments connect pedestal to SOL and are then ejected into SOL)  understanding of ELM size?

7 Session D: Bursty SOL transport
HFS BOT LFS TOP Uniform outflux < 0  0 > 0 Localized outflux Measured Tore Supra SOL flow experiment These observations shed new light on the SOL structure strong poloidal asymmetry in outflow may be due to bursts bursts could explain observation of far SOL wings

8 Session D: Retention of H, D, T and Gas Balance
Low fuelling AUG --- Total Injected --- Total exhausted --- Outgased between pulses Tore Supra Significant fuel retention in present day experiments global gas balance versus post mortem analysis – 10-20% vs. 3-4% Possible mechanisms that store ‘permanently’ hydrogenic fuel: bulk diffusion opens ‘infinte’ reservoir co-deposition with Carbon (chemistry involved  remote areas)

9 Session D: Retention of H, D, T and Gas Balance
DIII-D C-Mod: almost full recovery with disruptions Solutions are urgently needed and a variety of approaches is being checked indication that hot C-components store much less hydrogenic fuel assessment of cleaning techniques (including provoked disruptions ) move to non-C wall materials…

10 Session D: Alternative Wall Materials
Decrease of plasma C-content with progressive W-coating in AUG Rapid confinement degradation after boronisation (C-Mod) Tokamaks can be operated at full performance with high-Z wall materials but may require more frequent wall conditioning than C-wall problems with ICRH compatibility (high Z influx) and storage of noble gases

11 Session D: Alternative Wall Materials
Operation at n=nG with Li-limiter Li-limiter surface temperature saturates (self-protection?) Liquid-lithium – first results emerge (FTU, T-11M) positive impact on discharge – D-pumping, no Li-blooms but still a long way to go…

12 Session D: Divertor physics
Local island divertor in LHD gives access to very high density (Internal Diffusion Barrier IDB) Empirical rule: whenever a machine obtains good pumping, a new acronym is created (indicative of discovery of a new regime)

13 Session W(aves and fast particles)
Time (s) Frequency (kHz) 100 200 50 150 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference- Summary Session Session W(aves and fast particles)

14 Session W: MHD and fast particles
Electron driven GAEs in HSX Electron Fishbones in FTU, HL-2A Who said that fast-particle MHD is always driven by ions?

15 Session W: MHD and fast particles
EPMs in CHS RSAEs in JT-60U Fast particles affected by (fast particle-driven) AEs and low frequency MHD significant progress in diagnostics (Heidbrink!) allows new insight

16 Session W: MHD and fast particles
ASDEX Upgrade: NTMs or fishbones determine q(r) DIII-D: ‘current deficit’ in the presence of a (3,2) NTM This kind of physics may play an important role in establishing the (self-organised?) improved (hybrid) H-mode (MHD  j(r))

17 Session W: ‘Conventional’ H&CD in tokamaks
Broadening of jNBCD by el.stat. fluctuations? (AUG) Broadening of jNBCD by MHD modes (NSTX) Off-axis NBCD on JT-60U, but shifted? Conventional schemes not always that well understood (off-axis NBCD) need to link CD efficiency to MHD/transport properties of the plasma have to sort this out - vital for future machines (e.g. JT-60SA)!

18 Session W: ‘Conventional’ H&CD in tokamaks
PNBI (MW) PICRH (MW) PLHCD (MW) 13cm -2cm Da GIM6 RC (%) ~4.5 sec Long distance (15 cm) LH coupling in JET Advanced Tokamak scenario at high Triangularity using local D2 puff (3 MW for 4.5 sec) Progress on LH coupling to ELMy H-mode in need of an efficient CD-scheme, we should investigate all options!

19 Session W: New schemes for new configurations
EBW in MAST EBW in TCV EBW for overdense plasmas (pioneered in stellarator) now in STs, but also in conventional tokamaks

20 Session W: New schemes for new configurations
Plasma startup w/o transformer by Coaxial Helicity Injection In NSTX Plasma startup w/o use of central solenoid by a combination of ECH and vertical field ramp in LATE

21 Session S(tability)

22 Session S: Resistive Wall Modes
DIII-D JT-60 U (Positive) surprises as we go to lower net momentum input… the rotation threshold may be very sensitive to ambient error field! but physics not yet clear (e.g. role of ni as highlighted by NSTX)

23 Session S: Resistive Wall Modes
RFX EXTRAP2-TR Note: progress in this area also from RFPs (for which it is even more vital)

24 Session S: Neoclassical Tearing Mode Control
NTM stabilisation with ITER relevant broad deposition in ASDEX Upgrade Feedback controlled Deposition in DIII-D Demonstration of individual elements as well as integrated feedback

25 Session S: Neoclassical Tearing Mode Control
most optimistic prediction (La Haye et al.) most pessimistic prediction (Sauter et al.) But extrapolation of ITER requirement on jECCD/jbs still difficult

26 Session S: Classical Tearing Mode Control
Disruption avoidance by ECCD at q=1 and q=3/2 in FTU Study of magnetic island heating by ECCD in TEXTOR Research opportunity for any tokamak with ECRH system!

27 Session S: Disruption characterisation and Mitigation
Reduction of halo currents by noble gas injection (C-Mod) Nimrod modeling of C-Mod Mitigation by (noble) gas (jet) makes good progess (AUG, C-Mod, DIII-D, HL-2A) jet penetrates the edge only, but MHD takes over!

28 Session S: ELM physics and control
Time (s) 28 29 30 31 32 (a.u.) MJ 1019m-3 D <ne> H98  0.95 Wtot nped also constant 1 2.5 67911 Blue: New #66476 Red:Previous experiment #62430 Type II ELMs now also on JET Supression of ELMs by helical field on DIII-D Several routes to mitigate ELMs are pursued in the programme in may need several options (ITER has unique combination of n* and n/nG)

29 Summary: Progress in high priority issues
and future research directions Retention of hydrogenic fuel: the problem is clearly defined, we need detriation techniques and assessment of alternative wall materials. Bursty SOL transport: good experimental characterisation, need better link to theoretical predictions/modeling. Fast particle physics: field is opening up as we develop better diagnostics, need to measure better the damping rates to assess ITER situation. CD: electron-based schemes relatively well understood, ion-based schemes need further investigation. In particular: need to understand better effect of MHD and fluctuations on CD. (N)TMs: control by ECCD makes rapid progress, further enlarge cross-machine scalings to strengthen predictive capability. RWMs: a positive surprise – but have to understand lower rotation thresholds before we draw conclusions for ITER. ELMs: number of control schemes increasing, applicable at quite different plasma parameters! In lack of a non-linear ELM model, this is reassuring.

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