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FLT: We will be able to identify the natural processes that produce methane and describe where methane deposits are located in the Arctic region. We will.

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Presentation on theme: "FLT: We will be able to identify the natural processes that produce methane and describe where methane deposits are located in the Arctic region. We will."— Presentation transcript:

1 FLT: We will be able to identify the natural processes that produce methane and describe where methane deposits are located in the Arctic region. We will then relate these deposits to climate change. Burp under the ice

2 The Arctic Ocean The Canada basin is largely covered in ice so it has been largely unexplored.

3 Instructions You are going to investigate and prepare a written report on the potential effects of a warmer climate on Arctic methane deposits, and what consequences might result from these effects.

4 Reports should include:
What evidence exists of warmer Arctic climates during recent years Sources of Arctic Methane Where Arctic methane deposits are found Why short periods of rapid global warming in the geologic past are more likely to have been caused by methane releases than by carbon dioxide What effects warmer climates might have on methane deposits How methane releases might produce a “chain reaction” of climate warming.

5 Resources /welcome.html You can also search methane’s role in climate change, mass extinction, and it’s role in major events in earth’s history.

6 Rubric (worth 10 points):
Report should be 5-6 paragraphs and 2-3 written pages answering the questions from previous slide. 4 points (1 point will be deducted for each item not addressed) = all 6 points are addressed clearly 4 points (points will be deducted for grammar errors) = paper is written in clear language using proper grammar and sentence structure 2 points = paper is titled, name ,date, and period THEY ARE DUE AT THE END OF THE CLASS PERIOD!

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