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Presentation on theme: "BIENNIAL SUPPORT BUDGET PROPOSAL An Overview"— Presentation transcript:

Informal Executive Board Discussions 31 August 2005

2 Overall financial situation The 2006-2007 support budget proposals
UNDP funding modalities, proportionality, progress, cost recovery-progress – funding mix, the growth in RR (target met) SESSION OBJECTIVES: Recap of issues presented in May informal session on UNDP’s budget strategy: Key drivers in developing the budget UNDP strategic direction and funding modalities Overall financial situation The support budget proposals ACABQ Comments 19-May-19

3 Recap of 20 May informal session

4 Multi-Year Funding Framework
The biennial support budget is an integral part of UNDP’s second Multi-Year Funding Framework (MYFF) for The biennial support budget covers the second part of the MYFF period, and it acts as the strategic framework in aligning organizational capacities and related resources to deliver on goals and priorities of the MYFF Gender and capacity development continue to be mainstreamed across all UNDP practices in support of the MYFF goals: achieving the MDGs and reducing human poverty; fostering democratic governance; crisis prevention and recovery, energy and environment; and responding to HIV/AIDS. 19-May-19

UN REFORM UNDP STRATEGIC DIRECTION FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY EB DECISIONS BUDGET STRATEGY Regular resources remain the bedrock for funding the core functions and related priorities of UNDP Consolidation of the budget strategy Strategic investments funded through re-deployment Gradual implementation of proportional funding between regular and other resources BUDGET PRIORITIES BUDGET PROPOSALS 19-May-19

Commitment to and support for UN reform Emphasis on assistance to programme countries’ efforts to achieve MDG targets by 2015 Realignment of the funding modalities for operational support structures to reflect the multi-funded nature of UNDP Continued support to key themes Strengthened partnerships Enhanced knowledge and learning Improved efficiency, performance and results based management Continued focus on crisis prevention and recovery 1. Continued support to UN reform agenda Effective Resident Coordinator system (TRAC 2 resources) Lead country level UN coordinated efforts to support MDGs road maps Simplified and harmonized programme operational modalities (# of countries/BDP) Exploring opportunities for increased cohesion and rationalization of UN agencies presence in programme countries (joint offices,..) 2. Support programme countries efforts to achieve MDGs targets by 2015 Strategic partnership with other development agencies Substantive advice and knowledge transfer/sharing to programme countries Focus of programmatic interventions in support of MDGs (BRSP) Strengthen country and global levels advocacy and communication for achievement of MDGs targets 4 . ERP, regionalization, certification, alignment of CO structures to support UN reform 19-May-19

Continued application of the base structure concept covering the core functions of UNDP Gradual implementation of proportional funding of UNDP capacity through increased contribution from other resources Adoption of a cost classification methodology to align funding of programme costs from programme resources pool Further consultations on Results based budgeting (RBB) leading to harmonized approach with partner agencies 19-May-19

8 2. Overall financial situation

9 A multi-funded UNDP: Biennia 1992-1993 to 2006-2007 (estimates for 2004-2005 and 2006-2007)
Donor Resources: Regular Voluntary Contr. Local Resources: Govt. cost sharing Donor Resources: Trust Funds & 3rd Party cost sharing 19-May-19

10 UNDP Projected Contributions
( ) (millions of US $) 2004/2005 2006/2007 Donor resources - untied voluntary contributions (Regular resources) 1,700 1,900 Donor resources - tied voluntary contributions (Other resources) 1,800 3,000 Subtotal donor resources 3,500 4,900 Local resources - tied voluntary contributions (Other resources) 2,100 2,600 Total 5,600 7,500 19-May-19

11 ESTIMATED USE OF 2006-2007 TOTAL UNDP RESOURCES ($8 159 million)
Programme Support & Management & Administration & UNCDF & UN Mandated Security 10.2% (Millions of US$, Percentages) Programmes & Support to the Operational activities of the UN 89.8% 19-May-19

12 3. 2006-2007 support budget proposals

13 KEY ELEMENTS Zero net real growth budget - nominal increase reflecting $ 85.7 million in mandatory costs increases ($54.0 million in 2004/2005), comprised of: $6.5 million related to security; $4.7 million in currency adjustments ($0.9 million in 2004/2005); $57.3 million in post-related cost adjustments ($35.1 million in 2004/2005); $17.2 million in operating cost adjustments ($18.0 million in 2004/2005); Incremental shift towards proportionate funding between regular and other resources ($ 11.3 million); Reduction of $ 5 million at headquarters Strategic investments ($16 million) funded through re-deployments Exceptional investment of $10 million in UNCDF as mandated by the Executive Board. UN mandated security costs presented as a distinct regular resources funding requirement totaling $31.2 million, of which $19.3m represents an increase. 19-May-19

SMT from note 19-May-19

15 STRATEGIC INVESTMENTS (Total $16.0 million)
Country Offices Headquarters Country directors: $4.5 million Security: $0.9 million Advocacy and Outreach $4.0 million ERP – Atlas $1.9 million Global service centre $1.8 million $0.3 million UN Development Group office $1.1 million Administration of Justice $1.1 million Base structure alignment $0.4 million TOTAL $13.1 million $2.9 million 19-May-19

16 4. ACABQ Comments 19-May-19

17 ACABQ COMMENTS While welcoming the changes in the presentation, the ACABQ believes there is room for further improvement to streamline the presentation, to promote greater clarity and transparency; UNDP continues operational and programmatic reforms in line with the Multi-Year Funding Framework; More justification and rationale on proposals for new posts and reclassifications in related narratives; High priority to Results-Based budgeting and harmonization with other agencies in ; More efforts to reduce expenditure on programme support and management and administration in respect of regular resources; The Committee points to comments on the need for integration, coordination, and rationalization of the security management system, to avoid previous duplications of security structures, in its report on the strengthened and unified security management system for the United Nations (A/59/539); 19-May-19

18 ACABQ COMMENTS (continued)
Enhancement of cooperation and coordination with DPKO; Efforts should be made to hire professional staff at the entry levels so as to ensure rejuvenation of UNDP; Given the considerable expenditure on state-of-the-art technology, ACABQ expects tangible results in efficiency gains and savings; Related to UNIFEM: More efforts to reduce expenditure on programme support and management and administration in respect of regular resources. 19-May-19

19 DISCUSSIONS 19-May-19


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