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Law 1 The Field of Play.

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1 Law 1 The Field of Play

2 Objectives At the end of this lesson the student will:
name the lines and areas of the field name other items that belong to the field identify the purpose of each

3 Corner Flagpost and Corner Arc
FIELD MARKINGS Optional Flag Touch Line Corner Flagpost and Corner Arc Halfway Line Goal Line Penalty Area Center Mark Goal Area Penalty Mark Goal Center Circle Penalty Arc

4 Lines 5 inch maximum width
DIMENSION DIAGRAM Optional Mark 18 yards 44 yards 10 yards 12 yards 9 inch mark 10 yards Lines 5 inch maximum width 10 yard radius



7 THE GOAL Goals must be anchored securely to the ground

8 GOAL - ALIGNMENT If the goal line does not match the depth of the goalposts, then align the rear of the posts with the outside of the goal line.

9 Shall not exceed 5 inches in width
GOALPOST SHAPES ACCEPTABLE Square Round Rectangle Oval Shall not exceed 5 inches in width Posts must be White


11 The Technical Area One team official may convey tactical instructions to the players during the match and must return to his position after doing so. The coach and other officials must remain within the confines of the technical area except in special circumstances To assess an injured player and they must behave in a responsible manner.

12 REVIEW Field shall be what shape? Can you name the lines?
Rectangular, touch lines being longer Can you name the lines? Lines can be how wide? 5 inches wide (maximum) Is a ball on the Penalty area line in the Penalty area? Yes, lines belong to the area to which they are boundaries

13 REVIEW (cont) Corner flagposts: Goalposts: mandatory? minimum height?
what else? Goalposts: what shape is acceptable? what if not anchored securely? don’t play must be white if not, play the game - report to league

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