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Creation of Israel.

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1 Creation of Israel


3 Diaspora scattered population with a common origin in a smaller geographic area. In 70 CE, Romans kick the Jews out of their homeland, Judea.

4 Zionism movement of Jews and Jewish culture that supports the creation of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the Land of Israel. Advocates the return of Jews to Israel as a means for Jews to be a majority in their own nation, and to be liberated from anti-Semitic discrimination, exclusion, and persecution that had occurred in the Diaspora.

5 The Holocaust Many Jews began to migrate to Palestine (Israel), the ancient Jewish homeland. After WWII, the world feels sorry for the Jews. The problem is that indigenous Arabic population was already there.

6 Formation of Jewish State
1917, Balfour Declaration-Britain was given charge of Palestine during WWI. They were to create a place for a Jewish Homeland there. In 1948, Resolution 181 (Partition Plan)- As more and more Jews flocked to Palestine, the UN decided to split the country up, one half being Jewish Israel, the other being Arabic Palestine.

7 Conflict 1948-Arab-Israeli War- Palestinian Arabs rise up and attack the newly created Israel. Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq all send armies to destroy the newly created Israel. Day War- Egypt begins to mass troops along Israel’s border. Israel launches a surprise attack against Egypt, Syria, and Jordan wiping out their air force. The war lasted only six days.

8 Was Israel right to launch the preemptive attack?


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