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Understanding Our World

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1 Understanding Our World
5 Themes of Geography Understanding Our World

2 Location “How do I get there?”
Absolute Location: the exact location of a place on Earth Examples: your home address latitude & longitude

3 Absolute Location

4 Relative Location Relative Location: The location of a place in relation to another place. Examples: The Rec Center is across the street from my house. King Soopers is northwest of Ranch View.

5 How would you describe the relative location of Colorado??
What other relative location examples can you find from this Google Maps screenshot?

6 Latitude & Longitude Latitude - imaginary lines around the Earth that measure location in degrees North and South of the Equator Equator: 0°Latitude

7 Think: Latitude is like a Ladder!

8 Latitude and Longitude
Longitude - imaginary lines that run up and down the earth that measure location in degrees East and West of the Prime Meridian Prime Meridian: 0°Longitude


10 *Use the atlas pages in your textbook to answer the following practice questions!*
1) How many continents does the prime meridian cross? 2) Name the countries the Equator crosses in South America. 3) If you took a journey along 140°E longitude how many countries would you cross? What are they? 4) Estimate the latitude and longitude of Rome, Italy. 5) Match the coordinate with the correct city…......} You are traveling between 2 places. One is located at 21°N, 158°W and the other is located at 61°N, 149°W. Flights are cancelled due to an airline strike. What other form of transport could you use? a) Shanghai, China ) 19° N , 72° E b) Mumbai, India 2) 31° N , 121° E c) London, UK 3) 23° S , 43° W d) Rio De Janeiro, Brazil 4) 51° N , 0°

11 HEI Adapt – people adjust to the environment Example:
Climate affects clothing and housing

12 HEI Change – people change the environment to fit their needs Example:
Flatten/cut through land to build roads

13 HEI Depend – people depend on resources they need from the environment
Examples: Fishing, farming, hunting

14 HEI - The Lorax As we read The Lorax, think about 3 things that happen that show humans’ impact on the environment. Fill these out in your cause and effect space!

15 Follow-Up Question At the end of the story the Once-ler speaks to the boy and says, “Now that you’re here the word of the Lorax seems perfectly clear. Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” Thinking about this statement explain one way you can help solve an environmental problem we have today. (3-4 sentences)

16 Warm Up Please answer on some notebook paper in your binder:
If you have moved in the past, where did you move to and WHY? OR 2) If you have never moved, where would you want to move to and WHY?

17 Movement *Movement of people
Push factors: reasons that make you want to leave a place (move away) Examples: lack of jobs, natural disaster, lack of education, religious persecution, legal system, war

18 Pull factors: reasons that draw you to live in a place
Examples: better job, closer to family, better education opportunities, religious tolerance, safety, better/more rights, better climate

19 Push & Pull Factors With your table group, brainstorm push and pull factors for someone currently living in Colorado or considering moving to Colorado. At least 2 push & 2 pull!

20 *Movement of Goods & Ideas*
Read the article entitled “Four Major Ways International Trade Has Changed Over the Past One Hundred Years” to analyze the factors that influence the movement of goods and ideas in our world today ANSWER the 4 follow-up questions in your foldable after reading.

21 “International Trade” Article Questions
Why is international trade important in our world? (2 sentences) 2. Using the article, list 5 innovations/advancements that have benefitted the movement of goods in our world. 3. How would the developments discussed in the article help with the movement of ideas across countries and cultures? (2 sentences) 4. Which advancement in international trade do you think had the most impact on the world? Why? (at least 3 sentences)

22 Place “What’s it like to live there?” 2 Ways to Describe Place
1. Physical Characteristics - describe the natural environment of the place Examples: physical features, weather & climate, soil, minerals, plant life (vegetation), animal life

23 2. Human Characteristics - (also called cultural)
describe the people of a place: their culture, organization of the place, and changes to the environment Examples: roads, buildings, language, religions, political system, economic activities, population distribution

24 Physical or Human? 6 1 5 2 3 4

25 Place Challenge Game Rules
I am going to describe a place to you, but only through its physical or human characteristics. In your foldable, write down whether the clue I give you is a “physical” characteristic or “human” characteristic. After each clue you must take a guess at what country you think is being described.

26 Read pages 92-93 in textbook to complete chart.
“Regions” tab - 2nd half Read pages in textbook to complete chart.

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